Chapter 20: The moment of truth

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I feel dizzy all of a sudden and everything is spinning. The world is flashing before my eyes. I think I'm about to throw up. Sister? This has to be some kind of a sick joke.  I never had a sister. My parents would have told me! The orphanage would have told me. I grew up as an only child. There's no way I could have a sibling especially one that's so messed up.

"Are you okay sissy? Ivy asks me. "No, I'm not okay. You're messing with me." "I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm not. I waited so long to find you." At first I think she's pulling my leg until I start to put the pieces together. We do look alike after all and her motive is jealousy. Ivy wishes she had the life I got or was probably mistreated. Now she wants to make up for lost time in her own twisted way. Ivy could have just knocked on the door but she definitely wants something she can't have. She wants revenge.

I look at her again. We have the same hair color, eye color, and eye shape. She looks like a slightly older version of me except with curly hair.
"How come mom and dad never told me about you?" I ask. So many questions are racing through my mind. "Well for starters mom gave me up when I was born. She said she wasn't ready to be a mom because of how young she was. She left me with nothing but a teddy bear and a red ribbon all out in the cold. Years later I find out she has daughter. I always wanted to reconnect with her but never got the chance. As I waited that day to finally see my real family I get news they were in a car accident and their precious little daughter is in an orphanage."

"Ivy, I'm so sorry that happened. You know, I miss them too." "Shut up!" She yells. I move back to make sure she doesn't hurt me. "Six years after mom has me she has another baby and decides to keep her. You get to live your perfect happy life while I suffered. Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a foster family that beats and starves you? I was barely surviving. I've been through seven homes. No one ever wanted me because I was a burden. Meanwhile you were in an orphanage and get adopted by a movie star. That should have been me not you!"

I can't help but feel bad for Ivy. It sounds like she's been through hell and back. "I was constantly being abused and I never even got the chance to meet my birth mom. You have it all!" Ivy screams. "I know it looks that way but it wasn't always the case. How did you even find me?" I ask.

"That was easy! One day I check twitter and there your name was. Reagan adopted by Dakota. You were all over the news. I knew it was you cause I already had your name and you looked just like me," Ivy explains. "I honestly couldn't believe it at first. My little sister getting adopted by a celebrity. The one and only Dakota Johnson!"

Before she can say anything else, I hear the sound of the back door opening. Dakota is home! Ivy looks startled as if she's seen a ghost. I hear the sound of her footsteps and voice. "I came home early! One of the main actors I'm supposed to film with got sick on set so we had to reschedule!" She called out. Thank god she's back home early. My prayers have been answered.

"Dakota, help!" I cry out. "Reagan, what's wrong?" She asks and then she freezes. "Reagan, why don't you introduce me?" says Ivy. "I'm Ivy, Reagan's sister. I know you didn't tell Reagan about me because I'm worthless. I'm the forgotten sister no one wants."

"Dakota, you knew I had a sister?" Dakota sighs and bites her lip. "Sweetie, I'm sorry I didn't mention her to you. I thought you knew. When I was signing the paperwork it said you had a sister named Ivy in your records. I didn't bring her up cause I thought it wasn't any of my business. Maybe you had some painful memories with her so talking about your sister would bring back trauma."

"Well that's okay! Reagan knows who I am now. She didn't know for fifteen years. We're just doing some bonding, aren't we sis?" she tells Dakota smirking at me as she takes the gun out of her purse again. Dakota's eyes widen. "Ivy, please put down the gun. We don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Shut up and let me talk! Reagan stole my life. I could have been the happy and lucky one. Instead, I suffered years of abuse in foster homes. Now I see you two go on shopping sprees, trips, and parties. You have no idea how grateful I would be to do any of those things. I never got a chance at a normal life. You have everything and I had nothing! It's not fair that you get to live this great chapter while I just watch."

"I know you're hurting but this isn't the answer. I'm so sorry about everything you've been through. You're right, it's not fair but we can get you help. You don't have to be alone," Dakota explains to Ivy.

"Why should I believe you? My whole life I've been lied to," Ivy cries. "Because this will be a fresh new start and we aren't out here to get you. I know you said no one cared about you before but we do. Now give me the gun. You don't want to do anything you'll regret." "I didn't mean what I said. I do want to spend time with you and get to know you. We can all be a family. We haven't had a past but we can have a future together," I explain trying to sound convincing.

Ivy drops the gun and starts to cry. Dakota signals me to call 911 while she isn't looking. By the time the police get here Ivy is still crying on the floor. After I explain the whole crazy story to them they tell us how Ivy is going to get evaluated and spend a long time in the psychiatric ward. I genuinely hope she can get the help she needs. She seems like such a troubled girl and that way she won't be actively harming anyone.

"It's been a crazy month hasn't it, kiddo?" Dakota turns to me as the police leaves. "It sure has," I agree with her. "You know, you were so brave today. You handled that situation well. You got her to believe us and you didn't panic." "I tried my best. I can't believe my parents didn't tell me I had a sister or the orphanage but they probably didn't want to make things complicated. As long as I have you, my life is complete."
Dakota smiles warmly at me. "How did I get so lucky to have the best daughter in the world?"

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