Chapter 15: The lost Daughter

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Dakota's point of view:
I come back from a long day of filming when I see a bunch of police cars and a distraught Hayley in my driveway. My first thought was Reagan is in trouble! I ran over nearly tripping to see what the commotion was about.
"What happened?" I yelled. Hayley stood there crying. She could barely look me in the eye. "It's all my fault." "What is your fault?" I asked her trying to get to the point. "What happened to my daughter?"
"Reagan is your daughter?" The policeman asked. Yes, she's my adopted daughter and I would like to know what is going on! Can someone tell me?"
"Calm down, miss Johnson. We're trying to figure that now," he said.  "We are in the process of getting a statement from her friend, Hayley." I looked over at her and could see mascara running down her face. She was a mess. I knew that girl was bad news. If anything happened to Raegan she would pay for it.
"Hayley you have to tell me everything, now!" "Let us do our job," the policeman said as he turned to me. "Don't give me that! Something happened to my daughter and I deserve to know."
"Your daughter is missing." "Missing?" I gasped. "We believe she was kidnapped. Hayley was about to tell us the full story."
"I'm so sorry!" Hayley cried out bursting into tears. "If it wasn't for that stupid party none of this would have happened." "What party?" I asked her. For all I knew Reagan was grounded. "There was a high school party and I wanted her to come. I told her to sneak out but she didn't want to. I ended up driving over here and she was finally convinced. She ran outside and then out of nowhere a person with a mask came up from behind, put a rag over her mouth, and dragged her into his car. I was so scared I didn't know what to do so I called the police. I'm so sorry."
As cross as I was with this girl I appreciated her honesty. "I'm going to call your parents. You'll need to give me their numbers. I'm sure they will want to talk to you about this. I don't want to argue with a teenager right now because we need to focus on finding Raegan but after this incident I don't want you hanging around her ever again. Is that clear?" Hayley nodded but didn't say a word. This girl was bad news. First Hayley got her in trouble with smoking which resulted in them both getting suspended from school and now she's kidnapped.
"Are you telling me everything you know?" I asked her just to make sure. "I promise I am!" "What time did you arrive to pick Raegan up?" the officer asked. "Around 8:30," she replied. "Now what was she wearing?" he proceeded. "I couldn't see exactly what it was but she was wearing a purple dress." "How did the person look?" "I don't know. They were wearing a mask and wear dressed in all black. A black hoodie and pants." "Now miss Johnson, do you have any enemies? Perhaps a jealous ex boyfriend who is trying to get back at you?" No, not that I know of. I haven't been on bad terms with anyone lately." "Usually in cases like these it's someone you know. They want to get revenge and have control over you. Other times it's for a ransom. The person might want money or some kind of reward. Since you are a celebrity it's also common for a stalker to commit this type of crime. After all, you're a famous actress. It wouldn't surprise me if they had an obsession with you or your daughter.
Tears came down like a waterfall. My poor baby girl. She must be scared to death I kept thinking. I wanted Hayley to be punished severely for what she did but I knew it wasn't going to help. But seriously, where were her parents? They clearly just let her run wild and free.
"What are the chances we will find her?" I asked. "We can't tell. Every case is different. The first 24 hours are crucial. We're doing everything we can to bring her back safe and sound." That wasn't the answer I wanted to hear but I wasn't going to dig further. I didn't want to waste any more time.
I didn't want to think what would happen if I never saw my sweet girl again. There are so many sick people out and about. Anything could happen especially in la and she could never be found. I have watched horror stories on the news and have read about girls who went missing. They were either found dead or their bodies were dumped somewhere in a canyon and never found. LA wasn't the safest place. Anyone could easily disappear and never be found again.
"Hayley, you're going to have to come with me to the station. We have more questions we'd like to ask you." "I promise I won't ever do anything like this again." "I know you won't because you're not seeing my daughter ever again and I'll make sure of it."
As Hayley got inside the car  the officer came towards me. "I'm officer Brown by the way. We will remain in contact. Here's my card."
As they left I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces. My whole world was spinning in circles. I never knew pain until now.

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