Chapter 19: Secrets

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I tremble as I walk into the house. I feel as if I'm in one of those lifetime movies where the character is waiting for their friend or partner to save the day except this isn't a film. This is real life and Dakota is at work the whole day acting for her new movie.

I pray for a miracle to happen as I sit on the couch waiting for this nightmare to be over. "Oh Reagan you have no idea how long I've waited for this day," she said making her way to the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water. She sits next to me and I move to the edge. "You don't need to be scared of me." Girl, who wouldn't be scared of you? I thought to myself. This chick is probably going to murder me. The headlines on the news will probably read "Dakota Johnson's daughter found murdered in their Hollywood home weeks after the kidnapping occurred." I cringe at the thought of it. I haven't been here that long and already I've been kidnapped and possibly being held hostage now in my own home- well Dakota's home but still this is messed up!

"Reagan, I don't want to hurt you," she told me. "Then why did you bring a gun with you?" I question her. "That's only if you don't cooperate. It was mostly meant just to scare you off. After all, you were going to call the cops on me and I couldn't take that risk. This was the only way I could get you to let us sit down and have a talk."

"I'm still confused as to why you are here? You said you didn't want money so what do you want?" "All I want is a family. I want to take back what's mine and what I was meant to have." "I'm guessing you're an orphan too?" I ask. "Bingo!" She exclaims. "Well could I at least have your name? You have my name but I don't have yours." "My name is Ivy," she answers. "That's a really pretty name," I tell her genuinely meaning it.
"Why, thank you! I like yours too." Such a pretty name and such an ugly soul. If I make it out alive I'm going to make sure she gets at least twenty years in prison or sent to the looney bin for the rest of her life.

"Reagan, you and I go way back." "Way back?" I just met this lady a few weeks ago for the first time and not under the best circumstances either.  "Soon we will be spending a lot of time together."
"Why would I want to spend any time with you?"
"I'm surprised and disappointed they didn't tell you all of this. It's a shame they kept it a secret from you for all these years. I mean of course why would they tell you about me? I'm washed up and a worthless loser. The one who never gets the happy ending. The last choice!"

Is she seriously trying to make me feel bad for her right now? I think to myself. Because if so, she's doing a horrible job at acting. "I don't know you. We just met," I told her bluntly. "Use your brain and think, Reagan. Well you don't know me but I know you."

"I don't want to know you!" I snap at her. "Is that any way to talk to family?" she raises her voice. "I would think you would at least show some respect for your sister."

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