Chapter 17: Traveling

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Back to Reagan's pov
It's been a few weeks since the incident happened. The police and Dakota have no idea what happened. Speaking of Dakota, I'm not sure if I should call her by her name or call her mom. I've always wanted a mom.  I can tell her face lights up whenever I say the word but I also am so used to saying her first name since I've been a fan for so long. At the same time, I see her as a best friend.
I hope she knows I'm really sorry for sneaking off. I told her so many times but I want her to know I mean it. She was right, Hayley was a bad influence. I'm glad I don't talk to her anymore. Apparently her mom got caught shop lifting. I guess she wasn't as rich as she claimed to be. Dakota says people often have skeletons in their closets.
I was finishing up my literature paper when Dakota knocked on my door. "Come on," I said. "Hey sweetie, I knew these past few weeks have been hectic. It's been crazy for me to and even my agent says they want me to take a break so when we get back to filming I won't be a mess."
In my head I could tell Dakota already had something planned. Knowing her she most likely is going to throw a surprise at me. "I was thinking to get a break from all this we could go on a trip together to Switzerland!" No way, she was planning a vacation for us. Even after I got into all that trouble she still wanted to treat me to something nice.
"Oh my god I've always washed to go to Europe!"  I told her. I never really got a chance to travel and now I finally can. "I was going to ask you if you'd want to go anywhere else but I can tell you're so enthusiastic already about this," she told me. "Are you kidding? Switzerland looks so beautiful and I love nature. I don't even care where we go. I'm just thankful for a vacation. I know it's expensive there too." 
"I'm so happy you're just as excited as I am! Dakota exclaimed. "I can't wait. I love you mom. You're the best mom ever," I say hugging her. "Oh honey I love you so much. I wish I would have adopted you earlier."  "Don't worry about it! Just be glad we have each other now." Just at the moment zeppelin comes through the door and jumps at me. "Are we going to take Zeppelin as well?" I ask. "No," Dakota chuckled. "The dog stays here. I already got a sitter. is a lifesaver!"
"We're leaving next week so think about what you'd want to wear. I know how crazy it can get planning out outfits." "I'll make sure to start packing!" I tell Dakota. I can't wait to take instagram pictures I think to myself. All my classmates will be jealous. I bet there's going to be another newspaper which reads out "Dakota spoilers her beloved new daughter with a trip to Switzerland!"
Over the next week I think about all the sights we will see. I've never been on a plane before either so that's a first. On the day we leave Dakota makes sure we have everything we need doing her double checking. "If there's fans crowding me don't be surprised," she tells me. "This always happens when I arrive at the airport. I always smiles and say hi. If we have the time I'll try to take some photos with them but it does get overwhelming."
Dakota wasn't kidding because when we arrive at airport there's a small group of fans which crowd her asking for pictures. She's so polite that she stops to take some quick selfies and sign a bunch of autographs. There's a girl my age standing there. At first I think she's going to ask Dakota for a photograph but instead she comes up to me. "Hey my name is Maya. I just wanted to say I think it's really cool Dakota adopted you! You're lucky and you're also very pretty. I saw your pictures all over social media." "Oh yeah," I reply shyly. "Well it's nice to meet you, Maya. Thank you so much!" I'm not used to these types of encounters since it's usually Dakota in the spotlight. Maya seems sweet I think to myself. "Is it okay if I take a picture with you to show to all my friends?" she turns to me. "Yes you may!" Maya instantly smiles. I lean in holding up a peace sign. We take a couple of pictures and I give her a hug. "Thank you for letting me do that! I really appreciate it and I hope you and Dakota have a nice trip together." "Thank you, Maya! I hope your friends all like the pictures. Feel free to tag me. I look at most of my tags and I'll make sure to like it." We say goodbye to each other and I can tell Dakota is ready to move on to the next step.
After we go through customs I sit down and check my phone. It says that mayaxoxo tagged me in a photo. The caption reads "it's not everyday you meet Dakota Johnson's daughter at the airport. She was so kind! I decide to not only like the picture but to also comment underneath. I type out love you girl! So nice meeting you. Hopefully that made her day.
The flight to Switzerland was long and I was surprised only two people came to ask Dakota for a picture this time. I made sure to occupy myself watching movies. They had "How to be single" which was a comedy Dakota starred in. Even though I saw it three times I made sure to watch it again. I could never get tired of her films. We had 2 meals on the plane. Dinner and breakfast. The only bad part of the flight was when we were landing. My ears kept popping and they hurt a lot. I almost wanted to cry. It was this stabbing pain and pressure inside. I don't know how anyone else could take it. Dakota told me it's the worst part of flying. My head and ears hurt so bad I kept counting down for it to be over. When we landed I could finally breathe. We took a taxi to the hotel.
The first thing I did was make sure to shower and put on clean clothes. Dakota and I walked outside for a bit and explored some shops since it was evening. We decided to settle on visiting the Swiss alps the next day.
"Are you ready for a day of adventure?" Dakota asked as I was slowly waking up. "I sure am! I'm going to pack my backpack now and off we go." "We can also see the Swiss cheese factory," she told me. "I love Swiss cheese first of all and second of all that sounds so cool to see where it's being made." Nature and cheese. My two favorite things and I was going to see them in one day.
When we arrived I was memorized. Not only did I see a bunch of goats but the mountains looked like something out of a movie. "Dakota, this is so beautiful!" I exclaimed. Right away I took out my phone to film pictures and videos. We asked some other tourists to take pictures of us together. Not only was there so much greenery but the water was a clear blue. I was surrounded by trees. From afar I could see the blanket of snow on the Swiss alps.
Later that day, when we explored the cheese factory I even got the chance to take a bite out of the Swiss cheese. I got to see the process of how it was made as well.
Over the next few days we visited all the popular tourist attractions. We spent every hour of our day exploring. There was not one dry moment. At the end of the vacation I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be because I did everything I wanted to do. Not only was I in a beautiful country sight seeing but I was with Dakota Johnson, the best mom in the world.

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