Chapter 23: Movie premiere

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I hope my makeup looks good I think to myself. This is my first premiere and I need to look presentable. There's going to be photographers here and these pictures will be posted all over the internet. There were plenty of times famous people were made fun of for looking bad because they got an off guard picture of them. I shuddered at the thought of that happening to me.

Dakota was wearing a long pink spaghetti strap dress with sparkles all over. It truly brought out her blue eyes. "Reagan, it's time!" Dakota called out to me. I can do this I think to myself.

The limo picks us up. I feel so fancy and finally famous. This is what it's like being a celebrity and going to events. If only the kids in the orphanage could see me now! Well they probably have on tv or read about me in news articles but I still hope they get to see this. From small town orphan girl to a movie star's daughter! I could get used to this. Did I sound stuck up? Perhaps! But it's about time I enjoy myself and what life has to offer. I've stayed humble long enough and now I want to be seen as a celebrity. Dakota always told me as long as I don't become rude or entitled I have every right to show off what I have. It's important that I know my worth.

As soon as we step out we're practically mobbed by a crowd. So many flashing lights and cameras at once. I admit this does feel overwhelming. "Dakota over here!" A reporter calls out. Suddenly I hear my name. "What is it like being adopted by Dakota Johnson?" I get asked. "It's wonderful! She's given me the best life possible and has been such a loving  mom. I couldn't have asked for a better home," I tell them as I make my way across the red carpet giving the crowd a smile.

"Will you ever consider acting like your mother?" A young woman asks me. "Yes! I'm actually taking acting classes right now. My dream is to appear in a movie." I feel so many eyes on me at once. I make sure to do a few poses for the photographers. I know for a fact this is all going to be on video as well so I prepare myself for some more interview questions.

"Have you seen any films your mother has played in?" "Of course! I've actually seen them all. Before I was adopted she was my biggest idol. She helped me get through difficult times. When she let me into her family it felt like a dream come true." "That's adorable! What movie was your favorite?" They ask me. "I think this is a classic and everyone's favorite but Fifty Shades Of Grey. All the films are spectacular." All of a sudden I hear some people say ooo and whisper. They're probably wondering why I watched the Fifty Shades series at such a young age.

"Good choice!" The reporter lady laughs. "Can I get a picture of you two?" Says a guy standing in front of us. "We have to capture this moment!" "Yes, of course," I answer. Dakota and I stand next to each other and smile. "Awesome, thank you, ladies." "My pleasure," Dakota replies.

"How did you know Reagan was the one when you wanted to adopt a girl?" an interesting question arises. "I wasn't looking for anyone in particular. I just wanted to talk to all the girls and get to know them. I told myself that I would find the right fit with my personality. Reagan instantly gave me a hug. She told me how much of a fan she was and that I helped her during the difficult years. She was also funny and kind hearted. I got such genuine vibes from her. That's when I knew I wanted her to be apart of my family and I'm so glad I made the right choice."

I almost start tearing up. Dakota telling everyone the story makes me reminisce to that time. Out of all the kids she chose me. I knew she cared about me but having her say it to the whole world made it feel special.

"How is it like being famous and adjusting to this new lifestyle? It must have been such a drastic change for you!" "I admit it's been overwhelming but exciting at the same time. I freaked out when I gained eight hundred thousand followers for simply being her daughter. My Instagram is @Reagan.Johnson if you want follow," I say giving myself a free promo. "What has your favorite part been of this fame journey?" "My favorite part is taking pictures with our fans. It's so sweet when they come up and even cry at times. I love connecting with people and I always tell them to not be shy to approach me."

The next day after the premiere I look at the new article posted. "Dakota Johnson's daughter is just as humble as she is. Watch what Reagan says when asked what her favorite part of fame is," I read off of my phone. I see a video clip right below of the interview where I talk about how much my fans mean to me.

This is going to be my life from now on I think to myself. I can't wait to show Dakota this when she gets home. She'll be so proud!

Adopted by Dakota JohnsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang