Not a Movie 84 - FEEL GOOD

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I hope you all know who Mae Martin is, and if you don't then it's okay. Not like she's a lesbian commedienne who just starred on a show about herself that is based on her experiences and emotions. But like, she is though. 

But its all okay, I'll tell you all about her and her amazing show. 

So, Mae Martian is a Canadian commedienne, who does stand-up comedy. Her sets are based on relationships and on personal experiences. She's an interesting and a very inspiring person, and I love her sense of humor. 

The show focuses on her and her relationship with a woman names George, who has only ever dated men. The show has a lot of very subtle and quirky jokes which will make you laugh out loud after just a millisecond. 

The show is definitely a must-watch, and you can watch it on Netflix, and also at the link down below:

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