Movie 74 - CAT SKIN (2017)

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I have been waiting for this movie to become available on the internet since, literally, 2017. I watched its trailer twice because I loved the dynamics of the storyline, and I am proud to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and was not disappointed at all. 

So, I guess, it was worth the wait. 

Anyway, this movie is about a college student - Cat - who enjoys photography and has a lot of troubles in her life. You won't find her being labelled as only a lesbian or something other than that, but what should be noticed and appreciated is that you can tell how she feels about herself just by her little actions. 

I found Cat's character very relatable, and just from the way she first sees the other female lead. The infatuation and the slight need to get to know the other girl.

She's a character with few words but she can speak alot of volumes just from her actions, and that was what attracted me towards the movie, in general. 

I loved the beautiful soundtrack of the movie as well, and how soothing and inviting it was with the cello and the piano. 

I feel like I'm biased because I wanted to watch this movie for a long time, so I hope you guys watch the movie as well and tell me what you feel about it. 

The links to watch the movie are given down below. Hope you guys enjoy!

You can also watch it right here:

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