Movie 114 - I CARE A LOT

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Oh boy, 2020 be serving lesbian content on silver platters and I'm here for all of it. 

This movie is so good, and so beautifully created. I enjoyed the storyline and all of the actors in the film. All of them did such a great job of breathing life into the characters. But the real winner is the plot of this movie because that is what got me to watch this film. 

The movie is about this one woman who works for the US government as a caretaker or legal guardian. Her job is to become a legal guardian for senior citizens who are unable to look after themselves or if they don't have anyone else to look after them. But there's a twist to this, because this woman isn't just doing legal work, she's also scamming peeps. 

Like, if the US law really does allow the court to appoint a senior citizen with a legal guardian, then this movie did a perfect job at showing the flaws and loopholes in the law. But if there isn't any law like that, then there definitely should be one but with a proper system. 

Anyway, back to the movie and how it's plot is practically gold and how you peeps should definitely watch it. Yes, there are also lesbians involved and I'm so grateful to see such an intelligent film with a scam artist as a lesbian. I mean, not promoting scams in any such way, just pointing out the inclusion of us gays as con artists and criminals. 

Oh boy, that above paragraph did not go well. I definitely am not promoting scam. Kids, stay at home and take online classes. Older gays, stay at home too and do something not involving anything illegal. Oh yeah! Also watch this film while you're at home. 

Hope you peeps enjoy the movie. The links will be down below as always. Bye!

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