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First of all, this movie was recommended by @DoubleEspresso_ and I am grateful towards the person, because this was one quality watch. 

The movie was beautiful in all aspects. It was slow-paced with incredible script-writing. The scenes were all shot perfectly and it all came together so well. I thought that the movie had a subtle way of approaching the story and all the actors did a great job at portraying their characters. 

The film follows this one letter that Yun-hui was supposed to receive, but instead her daughter finds it and it develops her curiosity for her mother. I have so much to say about the story but like, we all need a daughter like Sae-bom. Through out the movie, I appreciated the character on like a whole different level. 

I think this movie brings up the same old topic of happiness for people that are not heterosexuals, especially in countries that are still very much conservative. What this movie does is that it doesn't show a happy ever after, honestly, where the two lovers reunite and start living together. What it really represented was that love doesn't really age as the time goes, it remains, and sometimes it cages itself inside of us, to the point that we believe that we don't deserve it anymore. 

The whole metaphor in this movie for snow was just beautiful, like I have no other word to describe it. So, I'll just write the sentence down in English lol. "When will the snow die down?"

I think the answer to that is a question itself, because it's not a matter of when. It's a matter of what we should do to deal with it. But I'd like you all to share your perspectives too. I really enjoy knowing other people's throughts on concepts and ideas. 

Anyway, the movie links are down below. Hope you guys enjoy!

P.s Hurray on reaching the 100th movie/not a movie!!

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