Movie 119 - DATING AMBER

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This is such a beautiful and fun movie, originating from the good old country of Ireland. And I swear, it's a great coming-of-age movie which I usually dislike. I guess maybe that's because I'm older now and I'm still living through a coming-of-age phase, lol.

Anyway, the movie features a very nice friendship between the main character - Eddie - and Amber. The movie mostly revolves around Eddie because he's the one actually running away from who he really is. Amber's chill and all, and these two find the best way to solve each other's problem on how to deal with bullies. They become each other's beard.

What I liked most about the movie was how it shows Eddie and Amber's connection. They're both just there for each other without actually wording out how important they've become in each other's life. Also, most of the scenes in this movie felt similar to another coming-of-age film that I'm sure we all love and adore, *cough* The Half of it *cough*

But still, the movie had its own perks and originality which I enjoyed immensely. I'd say this movie deserves a watch, if you peeps are in the mood for a roller coaster ride of emotions. Honestly, a really great movie. 

I hope you guys watch and enjoy it. And as usual, the link is going to be down below, and you can also watch it on Netflix.

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