Not a Movie 87 - I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS

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I am not okay with this is actually a really fun show, not to forget how relatable the main lead is. I mean, all of her expressions are practically the ones I make in real life. Plus, the way she talks in her head is definitely what I do, practically, all the damn time. 

But anyway, the show revolves around Sydney, who discovers that she has weird powers and can do things with her mind (very bland representation of her powers lol). The show is a coming-of-age comedy-drama which is like having 2 of the genres I really enjoy watching. 

The show has great progression and the comedy is top-notch considering how cool Sydney is when she finds out she can do things with her mind. Other than Sydney, Stan is definitely my next favorite person in the show. 

I would definitely recommend the show to you all, and you can watch it on Netflix or on the link below:


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