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lathan shifted in his sleep, stretching his body in an attempt to awaken himself from his slumber.

he let out a groan and started rubbing over his face and eyes yawning out while doing so.

he then opened his eyes and jumped at the sight of the little girl on top of him. he felt as if his soul left his body as he stared face to face with her.

"wake up" the small girl pouted while grabbing his cheeks with her tiny hands. she then kissed all over his face doing her best to make sure he stays up.

'where was i? who is this little girl?' he thought in disbelief. 'this doesn't make sense.' he thought as his mind ran wild.

the little girls curly hair was pulled back into a messy bun. she wore long sleeved pajamas that had cupcakes and strawberries all over the fabric material. she looked just like lathan. eyes, hair, lips, everything.

he started to put 2 and 2 together as he stared at the girl who looked to be 3 at the most.

her beautiful brown eyes gleamed at lathan with concern as she still tried to make him get up. it was making her frustrated to say the least.

"daddy mommy is gonna be mad if you don't get up" her small voice rang out while she shuffled to move off of the bed.

'mommy? what? what is going on? is this my daughter? why don't i remember anything right now?' he thought while his heart started to beat a little faster than normal.

when lathan still didn't take the initiative to get up the little girl  started to catch an attitude.

she rolled her eyes dramatically and sighed and put her hands on her hips while standing at the end of the bed. she patiently waited for her dad to get up.

"i'm up i'm up" lathan said with a small smile. he was more so confused, if anything. he had to have been dreaming right?

the small girl smiled, showing her cheeky dimples, the only trait she didn't get from lathan himself. she quickly grabbed lathan's hand and led him downstairs.

they were both hit with the aroma of breakfast food, causing lathan's stomach to instantly growl.

the brown eyed 3 year old looked up at him with a look of disgust, as if she hadn't heard a stomach rumbling before.

"what was that?" she asked in oblivion, lathan laughed nervously and pointed to his stomach which made her scrunch up her face with disgust.

she didn't say anything else as they walked down the spacious hallway to get to the kitchen.

"giana you finally got your daddy to wake up?" a familiar voice said, instantly making lathan's knees buckle.

'it couldn't be her could it?' lathan thought.

"lyric?" he asked with a look of confusion. giana let go of his hand and walked around the table, going straight to the kitchen so she could grab her sippy cup that was on the counter.

"yes? why are you looking like you saw a ghost what's wrong have you taken your pills?" she asked while frowning her face.

'pills? what pills? what is she talking about?' lathan thought

his eyes weren't deceiving him though. this was lyric, in the flesh.

her hair wasn't the blonde he was familiar and used to, she now had dark jet black hair that complimented her features well.

her face bare and clear, she wore a silk red robe and house shoes. she even had a tattoo on her chest, one he wasn't familiar with either. she looked so different to him.

he glanced down at her hand and saw the ring on her finger and wanted to vomit right then and there.

'where was laila? why was lyric here and laila wasn't? i don't understand. i married lyric? i couldn't have' his mind was all over the place. he didn't understand. he was just with laila. he was just with her. what happened?

he stood there motionless, unable to open his mouth to speak. his eyes began to water as he tried to piece back together whatever puzzle piece he missed but he was coming up short.

he doesn't remember anything. at all.

lyric reached out and touched his forehead with the back of her hand and frowned her lips more as she stared at her husband with concern.

"you don't have a fever, come sit, maybe you're hungry baby" she said while grabbing his tattooed hand.

he shook his head and removed her hand from his own. he darted his eyes between lyric and giana still trying to figure out what was going on exactly.

"where's laila?" he asked lyric, while looking around the house. he heard a scoff and turned around.

'what the fuck' lathan thought as he stared at his real girlfriend.

"babe what are you talking about? i'm right here?" laila said with the same confused look lyric just had.

"where's giana?" he asked with confusion. laila's frown only deepened as she crossed her arms over her chest.

she didn't understand what was going on with her boyfriend but it was starting to worry and scare her.

"mo you're freaking me out, who's giana?" she asked while she stared at him.

lathan ran his hand over his face as he started to sob.

nothing was adding up or making sense. his heart continued to beat fast as he tried his best to think about what happened to lead up to all this.

but he kept coming up short. he didn't understand.

suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder causing him to snap out of it. he opened his teary eyes and noticed he was alone now.

nobody stood in front of him. he stood alone.

"laila!" he yelled frantically. no answer.

"lyric!" he yelled once more. still no answer.

that same returning pain now entered his abdomen. he groaned out in pain as blood started to come out of his mouth.

he quickly put his hand over his stomach trying to stop the pain but nothing worked. he dropped to his knees crying out in pain as he felt another sharp burning sensation in his thigh.

this was it. it's all making sense now. was he dying? was he reliving an event he couldn't really remember?

his body tensed up as he slowly fell to the floor. helpless. alone. confused. missing his other half. wanting to know more about his future life.

he took one last breath before he let his eyes roll to the back of his head. a bright light overtaking him and his being, as he fell into a deep deep slumber.

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