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"so how was school?" my older sister audrey questioned me. i shrugged and sighed. we had just moved to seattle a little over 3 weeks ago and it was hard for me to adjust to the life being out here. i was so used to living in cali so it automatically made me hate it here.

"it was okay, we didn't really do anything because it was the first day but i'm already getting ugly stares and shit" I said making audrey cackle at my words. she was laughing but i was being serious.

everywhere i went girls would give me ugly stares like i stepped on their puppy or something and i didn't understand why. i'm new there, none of them know me so i just know they're jealous of me. i don't know why though.

i cant stand envious females it's not cute to me. "you a fool laila" she said shaking her head as she continued to rummage through the pile of clothes on her bed.

"wait why didn't you come to school today?" i questioned her as she gave me a glance before looking down.

"i told mama i didn't want to go.." she said simply as she grabbed a hanger hanging up a creme colored sweater.

"you serious audrey??" i said giving her a look. she was a senior, i was a junior, so sometimes my mom gave her more leeway than me but still. i felt some type of way that she willingly left me today.

"stop being a crybaby laila please i don't want to hear it" she said ignoring my frown as she continued to hang her clothes up in her spacious closet.

"will you at least show up tomorrow?" i asked laying down on her bed watching her. audrey nodded her head and ran her hands over her tatted arms. i remember when our mom first found out she got tatted. she flipped her shit it was the funniest shit ever. audrey was on punishment for the longest but that didn't stop her from going to get more.

"yeah you crybaby, you didn't miss me that much" she said giggling as she shook her head. i rolled my eyes playfully at her and saw that my phone was buzzing.

"daddy's calling me" i huffed softly. i haven't talked to him since our big move and to be honest i didn't want to talk to him. he's the whole reason we're here in seattle anyways.

my mom and him met back in 98' around the time my mom moved from seattle to california. my mom said my daddy was all on her case, showing her a bunch of attention and trying to talk to her any chance he could. once she finally gave him a chance they soon started dating and became best friends. they ended up having my sister 2 years after dating each other and then me a year after that, and they got married when i was 5 and audrey was 6.

growing up they would always bicker and fight, nothing physical always verbal. when i was younger i never understood why but as I got older i started to understand more.

they used to argue all the time over my daddy coming home late, lying to her about his whereabouts, and then some. he always stepped out on my mom and she used to stay but she finally tired of his infidelity i guess.

she told him she wanted to separate and from that point on she took me and audrey with her to seattle, her hometown. i remember pleading with her to stay i even cried to her every day and night, just so she could feel bad. but she didn't care about what i wanted. i didn't want to leave my life in california behind at all but she didn't want me and my sister to stay with him so i just stopped putting up a fight.

"are you gonna answer it?" audrey asked as she continued to hang up her belongings. i huffed and answered the phone.

"hey daddy" i said putting the phone on speaker so audrey could hear too.

"hey babygirl, where's your sister?" he questioned making me look towards audrey who didn't pay what he said any mind. she was mad at him also, she just expressed it more than i did.

"oh she's right here.." i trialed on playing with the buttons on my jeans.

"oh well, i've been trying to get ahold of your mother to talk things out with her because i miss you guys, i want y'all home with me" he said making my ears perk up. i'd give anything to move back to california.

audrey looked up from what she was doing and stared at the phone but she still hadn't said anything.

"whn can we come visit dad? i miss cali" i whined trying to get him to feel bad. it always worked.

"i know laila i know give me some time, i'll try to get your mom to cooperate but that's not happening unless she answers my calls" he said. you could hear the frustration in his voice.

"okay...well i need to finish helping audrey so i'll talk to you later" i said wanting to end the conversation. i wasn't helping him get back in good graces with my mom. he was on his own this time.

"aw okay hun make sure you tell your mom what i said okay, i love you, tell audrey i love her too." he said sighing after he did so.

"i love you too" i said, audrey said it also and with that i hung up the phone.

"he could be so full of himself sometimes" audrey said mumbling as she grabbed a piece of tape and a poster board. she was already halfway done with her room and i was still at square one.

"tell me about it"

next morning i woke up sort of early due to me not being able to sleep. i kept having random nightmares so i just woke up altogether. i threw on a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans and cute white colored off the shoulder crop top. i put my hair into a simple ponytail and went downstairs only to be met with audrey eating apple slices sitting at the table.

"took you long enough" she mumbled as she continued to eat. i rolled my eyes and grabbed a pack of fruit gushers, a small bag of animal crackers along with a water bottle throwing it all in my backpack. i then opened the refrigerator and grabbed an already cut up bowl of fruit that you buy at the grocery store and sighed looking around for the plastic spoons. we apparently didn't have any so i would just have to settle on getting one at the school.

"you ready?" audrey asked grabbing her car keys. i nodded my head and huffed as i was instantly hit with cool air. i had a feeling today was going to be a long day.

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