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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


you look pretty tonight" joshua said yelling over the loud music that played. i smiled to myself and shook my head at his comment.

"i don't feel like i do but thank you" i said loudly over the music. joshua only smiled at me as he took a sip from his red solo cup.

audrey rolled her eyes playfully at our continuous flirting, she sipped from her red solo cup also bobbing her head to loud music.

"i'll be back" she mumbled walking off making me furrow my eyebrows. i started to follow after her only to be pulled back by joshua.

"i want you to meet my friends, come on" he said grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"wait what about audrey" i said holding onto him looking around trying to see where my sister dipped off to. he glanced at me chuckled "she probably went to go mingle, she can handle her own mamas, we'll catch up with her later i promise" he said. i only nodded and followed behind him ignoring the word "mamas" as we made our way in between sweaty bodies.

we entered the living room, making me scrunch my face up at the strong stench of weed. i continued to hold onto joshua's hand as he started to talking to his "friends".

"i want y'all to meet somebody" joshua said over the music. i glanced at all of them, feeling my heart skip a beat when i saw that face i loved seeing so much. me and him made eye contact for what felt like forever only for him to look away, taking a drink from his cup.

"this is laila" joshua said pulling me beside him. i smiled and waved shyly.

"it's nice to finally meet you, you all this nigga talk about." the dark skinned boy with colored dreads said making my face heat up. i looked down keeping a smile on my face.

"yo ass talk too much" joshua said as he chuckled looking around trying to hide his obvious embarrassment. i giggled shaking my head at him.

"i'm sauve though" he said standing up giving me a hug. the rest of the boys stared at me making me feel nervous. i felt like i was about to get fed to some wolves because of the way they were staring. they were all heavily intoxicated it was so obvious

"excuse them they're all fucked but i'm're really pretty" she said with a warm smile on her face. i could tell it was genuine. i smiled softly.

"thank you, you're pretty too" i said making her smile even more. she pointed to the white boy that was dressed in a baby blue sweatsuit his glossy brown eyes gleaming in the red light as he sat back. he looked super high, if i didn't know any better i would've thought he was dead.

"that's royce" she said pointing at him, "that's kk" she said pointing to the other white boy that was on the other couch, next to where i was standing. he had tattoos everywhere, he looked just as faded as the royce kid.

"jd i know you not clapping that..she toooooo fine for you bruh, aye shorty you let jd crack??" he said slurring on his words , looking me up and down, making me scrunch my face up in disgust.

"excuse me?" i started to say but joshua put his hand up. "he's drunk lala, don't mind him please." joshua said making me nod my head but i continued to mug "kk" or whatever the fuck his name was. that was disrespectful drunk or not. i don't like people all in my business.

"you ain't shit kk" sauve said chuckling making kk shrug his shoulders as he took a sip from his cup.

"i promise he doesn't normally act like that" karla said shaking her head to keep from giggling. she then pointed to the boy who was passed out on her lap. he was light skinned, super tall too.

"this is neek, my boyfriend" she said smiling as she ran her hands over his cheek. i sealed my lips together nodding my head deciding to leave out that i already knew who he was. i mean he did hang out with audrey a lot, that's why i was surprised about her telling me he already had a girlfriend but i wasn't stupid. i know my sister, she had to be fucking around with him.

"and that's-" before she could even finish the boy answered for her.

"mosey..i can speak for myself karla" he said blandly while staring at me. karla rolled her eyes looking elsewhere as she took a hit from the dab pen she was holding. "mosey" didn't look drunk or high, just irritated and it only made me wonder if it was because i was here or if it was because of who i was here with. me and him continued to stare at each other until i broke eye contact with him.

"well um it was nice to meet you all" i said softly even though half of them were half asleep. i looked over at joshua who was smiling at me making me give him a weak smile. i squeezed his hand and let go of it.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom" i said softly in his ear. i glanced back over at mosey and felt my breath hitch as we stared at each other. i walked off letting out a breath i didn't even know i was holding in.

why did joshua have to be friends with him? he seemed rude, yet so perfect. i walked around the corner making my way inside the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

he was so dreamy, i couldn't shake those butterflies that i felt while staring at him, what did this mean? it couldn't mean anything i don't even know him. i shook the feeling sighing deeply. i pressed my lips together sighing before i opened the bathroom door only to be met with the last person i was expecting to see.

"we're following each other now?" i asked making him glance up and down my body.

"following you around? yeah bye" he smirked as he continued to eye me. i rolled my eyes at him. "what's your name again anyways? lola?" he asked

i scoffed at him and crossed my arms. "it's laila for your information..why so hostile..youn even know me like dat, tryna call yourself giving me attitude, this ain't that-"he cut me off

"you done?" he questioned as he stared down at me. he was so fine. the longer her stared at me the more i wanted him to bend me over the bathroom sink.

"excuse me?" i said defensively crossing my arms. he rolled his eyes in aggravation. "can you move so i can go to the bathroom?" he asked making me roll my eyes at him. i moved to the side and started to leave out the bathroom until i heard a loud ass scream. i glanced and was met with a girl who didn't look too happy.

"who the fuck is this bitch??!"

this felt kind of rushed butttt comment and vote for the next chapter. what do you guys think so far?

obsessed - lil moseyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ