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i sat across from lathan biting down on my lip as he stared at me intently. we were inside of chic-fil-a eating, well more so him, i wasn't really hungry.

"so you mean to tell me, your sister, was fooling around with jd?" he asked while popping a fry in his mouth.

i nodded my head while sighing. "i mean i don't really know for sure but i'm almost positive that's what was going on..she was on top of him with her shirt off.." i said looking away as i felt myself getting worked up again.

lathan took a sip from his drink and shook his head. "that's my bro and all but he ain't shit for that" he said as he stared at me.

"i guess" i said while shrugging my shoulders. i bit down on my lip as i stared at him.

"why you always act like that?" he asked as he continued to stare at me. he was making me nervous.

"act like what?" i said with pure confusion.

"all nonchalant and shit, like youn care about shit, i mean it's admirable but i know for a fact you don't actually feel that way about your situation" he said.

it's like he was reading me like a book and i didn't like that.

"i just never have anybody to talk to about my problems, yeah i have audrey but me and her were never really close to begin with..my mom is always so busy so it's hard to confide in her, i used to be really close with my dad..but that changed as i got older, we just grew apart. i don't really have anybody" i said softly.

i don't know why i was telling this boy my whole life story but i trusted him somewhat. he was actually listening to me, it's been so long since somebody has done that.

"damn ma.." he said before taking a deep breath. i could see him trying to relax as he opened his mouth again to speak.

"when i was a freshman i was going through a lot, i didn't really talk to anybody, always by my lonesome, i only had my dad and even that wasn't enough even though i really appreciated everything he helped me through but i needed something to fill that empty void i had in my body..so i turned to music" he said.

"so you're like a rapper or sumn?" i questioned him as i listened to him speak to me.

"nah shawty..that was just something to distract me from the pain i was feeling, my moms committed suicide that summer before i became a freshman..she was bipolar so i think that's what triggered her to do that, but i still blame myself a little bit..because i could've helped her you know..but what i'm tryna say is, find something that you like doing, it helps you take your mind off things..music helped me a lot" he said.

"do you still rap?" i asked biting down on my lip. he chuckled a little bit and shrugged.

"not as much as i used to..." he said trailing on as he looked off elsewhere.

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