Pretty creepy, right?

Only a crazy person would do that but Chris did it.

Well, his result was that none of the girls looked anything close to Hazel and it drove him crazy. It still does.

He was eagle-eyed throughout the week at school. When he thought he'd have to struggle a little to find her, he didn't expect it to be this tough. It has been a week.

A week.

Right now, he is on a couch in Jason's house. He followed him to his house after school to collect something.

"Dude! What's up? What's bothering you?" Jason asks as he comes back into the living room.

"Nothing is bothering me," Chris immediately answers trying to deny it. He becomes bothered that it's obvious that something is bothering him.

Jason looks at him, disbelief clear in his eyes.

"I know when something's bothering you," Jason speaks up.

Chris sighs as if defeated.

You'd think he's about to talk, to tell Jason what the problem is but instead he says, "It's nothing serious, bro. I'll sort it out."

"You sure?" Jason asks with uncertainty.

Should I tell him? Chris asks himself within.

What would he think of me?

He might think I'm crazy.

I'll just sort it out myself as I've said.

After concluding in his mind, Chris manages a smile.

"I'm sure."

After that conversation, Chris walks out with Jason to his driveway where his car is parked.

"Don't forget the party tonight," Jason says to him as he enters his car.

Chris stops and questions, "What party?"

"Oh, My Goddess!" Jason exclaims in a falsetto voice.

"Did Christopher Hayes forget about a party? A freaking PARTY?" Jason's eyes widen as he exclaims.

"You and parties are literally attached at the hip," he adds.

"Uhm," Christopher rubs the back the back of his neck absentmindedly, quite puzzled that he forgot about a party.

"I don't know dude. I guess it's what I'm trying to sort out that made it slip my mind," he says admitting to himself that finding Hazel made him forget about the party.

"Holy molly! Didn't think a day like this would ever come," Jason comments and begins to laugh.

"You better sort whatever it is before it makes you lose your mind," Jason adds.

"I think it's already making me go crazy," Chris mutters under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I'd be there. Text me the address," Chris says as he hops into the car.

"Whatever you say, dude." Jason smirks and watches him pull out of his driveway.

Chris drives straight to Emily's school to pick her up.

"Sorry I'm late, Kiddo. I had to make a quick stop," He apologizes to Emily as he drives them home.

"You're forgiven," Emily grins.

Chris smiles at that.


Chris doesn't want to be here but he needed something to get his mind off some things and it isn't working. It's not working at all. He hopes something good comes out of attending this party tonight. Right now, he's on the couch with Jason and his girlfriend talking beside him. He lifts his cup to his lips and takes a sip. He's drinking orange juice. He isn't interested in drinking alcohol tonight. But it sure would feel good to get drunk and then face the hangover later. Even when he drinks, he drinks reasonably making sure not to get too drunk.


Yes but not drunk.

He looks around him as the party is in full swing. It was Jason's girlfriend that invited them. Someone from her school is throwing the party.

He gulps the rest of his drink and stands up to leave them.

"Yo! I'm heading to the kitchen. Gotta feel this up," he slightly yells over the music to Jason while raising his cup a little.

Jason nods and Chris walks away.

He goes into the kitchen and meets people there. He reaches the refrigerator and pours himself more orange juice from a carton.

He turns around to find a blonde standing in front of him.

"Hi," she says chirpy.

"Hey," Chris replies looking behind her to see a girl walking out with black hair.

"I'm Piper," the blonde says stretching her hand for a handshake.

"Chris," he takes her hand.

She holds his hand longer than necessary and rubs it as if trying to give him a signal. Chris momentarily looks at their joined hands and then back at her face.

"I know that already," Piper says.

Like who the hell doesn't know Christopher Hayes??!!

Ever since she has seen him, she has made it her ultimate goal to have him.


"Wanna dance?" Piper asks batting her eyelashes.

"Actually, I can't. I just came to get a drink for someone and the person is waiting. He'd be pissed off if I delay," Chris lies.

He just wants to get away from her. He doesn't want female attention right now.

"Oh Okay. See you around Chris," she says as she begins to walk away, swaying her hips along.

"You too, Piper."

He walks out of the kitchen to join Jason in the living room. He's still engrossed in chatting with his girlfriend and doesn't notice Chris. After some seconds, they begin to kiss.

Chris groans and heads to the back of the house.

He begins to wonder if Hazel is at this party. If she's here.

Nah, he decides.

She doesn't seem like the party type.

Maybe he met her at Jason's party for a reason. He has tried to find her all week but couldn't.

Why is he trying to find her?

Why can't he just forget about that kiss?

It was just a goddamn kiss and he has had many of it. He has to forget her somehow. He has to.

"Hey Chris," a girlish voice says behind him.

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