"Are you ready to run for the hills?" he asked.

"Do you not understand that I love you?" I asked, irritated.

"You shouldn't love me."

I cringed, taking a deep breath. Why won't he say it back? I guess he's just not feeling what I'm feeling.

"Why do you like that I'm a virgin if you didn't want to be with one?"

"I can't even think about you being with someone else. I've never been jealous in my life over a girl. Ever. I don't want to think about someone else's hands on you. I can't think about that. I don't understand what you're doing to me."

"But you said you didn't want me."

"I was trying to protect you from my fucked up self."

"But I don't understand. You said you were getting better."

"Grace my life is always going to be fucked up even if I'm not. I don't want you around this. My father will come back. It could be tomorrow, next week, or fifteen years from now but I don't want you around me when he does. I wish you didn't love me. I wish you appalled me even. If you hated me, you would be safe but you're not safe when you're with me. He will never stop and if something happened to you because of me..."

"Nothing's going to happen."

'You don't know that."

"Harry plenty could happen to me even if I wasn't around you. I could get cancer or get into an accident or get raped..."

"Stop. Don't fucking say that."

"It's true Harry. This is the real world. Things happen and you can't just let fear run your life. I want you. I'm a mess without you and don't you think that hurts me? Being without you hurts me Harry!"

"Baby, come here. Please come here."

Somehow, he pulled my body even closer, kissing my forehead.

"Don't you ever talk like that again. Don't ever say those things to me. I am never going to let anybody hurt you, do you hear me?"

"Yes Harry."

He tilted my chin up to look at my face before forcefully kissing me, all desperation and need. His tongue pushed past my lips, claiming my mouth and exploring every part.

"Grace..." he moaned.

I began to kiss him back, wrapping my legs around his waist and grabbing the material of his T-shirt in my fist.

"I want you."

I moaned against his lips in response, this sensation so new to me. I'd never felt so much need for a person. I let go of his shirt, bringing my hands up to his hair, loving the feeling of his curls between my fingers. Another moan escaped from his lips as I tugged at his roots.


He pulled away from our kiss only to suck and bite at my neck. He could do this all day. In this moment, I didn't care one bit.

"You're mine now." He assured, biting and sucking at the skin just below my ear.

I could feel his growing erection press against me and my heart rate steadily increased with each passing second. Gemma would be back any second but I couldn't stop myself. I reached down, palming him through his jeans as our kiss deepened.

"Fuck I want you."

The sound of the front door opening caused me to jump out of Harry's lap and straighten myself out in the seat beside Harry. As I fastened my seatbelt, I stole a glance over at Harry. He looked down at his erection and then over to me.

Be Mine? || Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now