Welcome Back to Hogwarts

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If Harry hadn't known better, he would have thought the spell merely transported him outside. But subtle differences told him otherwise and Harry looked around in disbelief at details that normally would have escaped him: the chipped keeper rings; the Astronomy tower's missing shingles; windows that didn't yet exist. This wasn't his castle — it was one straight out of a history book.

And everything was as it should be, Harry realized. Here was Dumbledore upstairs in his office, McGonagall in the corridors, and house elves preparing in the kitchen.

Harry swallowed a lump in his throat, marveling at the fact that he was here.

He hid behind an old tree to apply the glamour (he couldn't risk the portraits recognizing James Potter) and booked it straight to the loo to find out what he looked like. This was the face his parents would remember, after all.

He stood before the great mirror and saw a stranger staring back.

The man had dark hair (the straight kind that always did what it was told), thin lips, and a strong jaw. The strangest thing was the eyes. Harry leaned closer to the mirror. They were hazel and blended into the rest of him. Harry frowned and ran a hand through his new hair. It flopped back into place like it was supposed to and Harry felt strangely disappointed.

Here he was. Harry Fletcher.

The headmaster's tower was only a few corridors away, and Harry was there in a matter of minutes. The gargoyle was uncharacteristically friendly when Harry said the password ("Jelly Babies") and headed up the long circular staircase. Harry basked in the familiarity of the walk and felt relieved as he knocked on the Headmaster's door. (This was much better than Snape's private chambers).

There was a pause and then the door swung open. Harry's breath caught.

Professor Dumbledore stood in the mahogany door frame, decorated in dark robes that were dotted with baby dragons. Not surprised at all, Dumbledore peered over his spectacles at his young visitor. "Good evening. You must be here to assist with the incident in the East Corridor. Horrible accident, I'm afraid. Fawkes flew into the coffee stash again."

Harry lips twitched and he was suddenly very fond of this ridiculous old man and his slippers. "Did he?"

"Indeed. Right this way," Dumbledore said, discarding his dragon slippers with a slip of his ankles and reaching for his trainers.

"Professor, I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding." Harry corrected gently.

Professor Dumbledore paused tying his laces and peered up at Harry. "Has there?"

"Yes-" Harry's lips twitched. "You can put your slippers back on. I'm not here for the East Corridor. I actually have something to discuss with you."

Dumbledore's gaze became serious and he righted himself. "I see. Come in, then." Dumbledore ushered Harry to a lavender loveseat and then sank into his cushy armchair. As Harry sat down, he soaked in the golden walls, the lemondrops, and the newly-evolved Fawkes in the corner. Harry smiled warmly at the bird, who sang a tune back at him. Dumbledore watched on curiously.

"It is rare that Fawkes introduces herself." He observed. "She is usually quite shy with strangers."

Harry smiled wryly at Dumbledore but didn't comment. "You're probably wondering who I am and why I'm here." Harry began. "Read this and you'll understand everything." He passed the scroll to Dumbledore who received it curiously. The old man held it up and studied the parchment. It was sealed closed with Dumbledore's family crest. Dumbledore's eyes widened. He looked at Harry, and while nothing changed on the surface, Harry knew Dumbledore better than most. Dumbledore's hands tightened and his eyes were a little more calculating than before.

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