#18 All About Angels

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Author : all-about-angels

Book Interview : Love Spells Disaster

Other Works : 

a) Don't Forget

b) Father's Loves

c) Trust 

Interview with all-about-angels

1> What inspired you to write Love spells disaster?

1.) Life,emotion and the need to create something.Anything and everything c:

The desire to see my work in print and my books on shelves and I love to day dream about fantasies and yeah.I guess that's what inspires me to write c;

2> Tell us something about your plot and main chacracters.

2) As you can guess,its all about angels and demons with some romance in it c; Victoria White is a nephilim and is in grave danger from the demons.(oops,that was supposed to be a spoiler :P)

Gabriel is sent to protect her and as time goes by she starts to feel something for him. As history begins to repeat itself,Victoria begins to learn cruel secrets about herself and her family and of what she truly is. The angels are having a tough time knowing who is a demon and who is not, as demons begin to possess human bodies everywhere. No one is who they seem to be. Gabriel and Victoria try to ignore the unwanted feelings, but as they try to do that, a demon hides behind a human face and makes Victoria feel feelings she is not supposed to feel towards two different guys...

3> What authors have inspired you to write?

3) Hmm...too many haha like Becca Fitzpatrick and I got this idea thanks to her awesome book,The Hush Hush Saga c: !

4> How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name chosen resources you recommend?

4) Usually I choose the names based on liking like the main characters,Victoria White and Zachary but Gabriel has a meaning. The name Gabriel is a Hebrew baby name. It means man of God,God's able-bodied one.Gabriel was one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition. He appears in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, where he serves as the announcer of the births of John to Zechariah and Jesus to Mary.

Seventh Sanctum is a good generator site for names,title,characters and writing. Definitely recommend this !

5> Do you see writing as a career?

5) Yes,ofc ! It's my dream to be a writer (:

6> Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

6) Never give up,don't lose your hope and faith.All you have to do is write,write and write. Write through it !

7> How do you develop your plot? Do you outline? If so, to what extent? How much is a surprise to you as you go?

7) I write what I think and to be honest I'm really surprised to manage to write this far !

8> Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?

8) Hmm,yeah. I received a lot of good comments and critiq so far c: This are their comments : I love it ! Your book is really good and interesting,can't wait to read more :) This is good but you need to work on your grammar and dialogue,other than that,you're really creative and great job ! and so on...

9> How you deal with writer’s block?

9) If there's a thing I hate about writing...yep you guessed it. The annoying writer's block ! So,how do I deal with writer's block most of the time? Music. Yes,I listen to some inspirational or soothing music to get inspiration. Sometimes,I will stop writing and go out to get some cool air and it's really nice to be at outside after a long writing or I will just force myself to write. Yep,just clench your jaw and write through it.

10> Are your characters/works, fictional or do you a part of yourself or someone you know, in them?

10) fictional,ofc c:

11> Your message to your readers/followers.

11.) Please check out my book,Love Spells Disaster if you are a fantasy or romance lover ! I promise you,you won't be disappointed ! <3

12> Lightning round. Pick one of the two choices given :

Novels, Or Movies

12) b) Novels

Thank you for Reading.

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