The turtle master and Nimbus

Start from the beginning


 After a while of driving they arrived around a canyon, they were making some distance. Currently, there were only two more miles, they made so much progress, sadly they didn't know that something was watching them.

"Hey Bulma, you've been very quiet, is something wrong?", the big-haired boy asked.

"N-no! Why would you think that?", Bulma said looking away for a sec. 

"Well, you usually talk to me a lot, you very quiet today", he stated. 

"Whatever! Anyways we only have a few miles left", she said ignoring him.

"I can't wait to get back in the water", the turtle said from the back seat.

Suddenly a big rock fell from the sky forcing them to stop before getting hit. 

"What the hell!", she yelled, "Is it raining rocks?"

"You stop right there, give me everything you've got and that girl, hehe", from the forest came a tall and big wolf creature with an enormous sword on his hilt.

"Sorry buster no can do", Goku said as he jumped out of the car.

"If you don't give them to me I'll force you and make you give them to me", the wolf growled as he grabbed his sword and prepared to swing it down.

"Bulma get back!", Goku yelled as the sword fell down and hit the floor a few feet away from the car. Bulma quickly drove back a few feet in order to not get involved in the fight.

"Be careful Goku!", Bulma shouted.

Goku was dodging the wolf's sword and punches until the wolf was visibly exhausted. "You sure can run, but it's over", the wolf said as he swung his sword down at Goku

"That's what I should say to you! You threatened to take my woman and for that, you'll never see tomorrow", when the wolf swung down Goku moved to the side and the sword smashes into the floor, there Goku punched the sword and it broke in half.

"No way!", Bulma shouted, [he's crazy strong!]

"What are you kid!", the wolf said in a terrified tone.

"I'm Kakarot, one of the last Saiyans!", suddenly with one swing, the wolf was sent flying into a tree. Nobody saw what happened but Goku had actually moved so fast that he punched the wolf ten times before he was actually sent flying, the wolf was now dead and rotting.

"G-Goku!", Bulma was shocked by the enormous strength her boyfriend had, "You're so strong!" 

"Yeah, you are!", the turtle said popping its head out from the window.

"Oh it was nothing, that wasn't even all my strength", Goku said while rubbing the back of his head. "Anyways let get back to our Journey"

"Yeah!", Bulma was so happy, she felt like her worries about Goku were just lifted away by his word, [I'm his woman huh? Sounds very romentic]

Two miles later they arrived at a massive clearing, that's when Goku saw it he saw the beach for the first time. Bulma parked the car far enough that the sand wouldn't trap it.

"It's great to be home!", the turtle said.

"It's awesome, the beach is such a beautiful place", Goku said as he took off his shoes and started walking on the sand. "It feels so soft and warm"

"Isn't it beautiful Goku?", Bulma asked as she grabbed Goku's hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Goku didn't know what this was, but he liked it.

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