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Hullo! I'm Urmi and I'm a poet. It was the early years of my childhood that I found refuge in  writing and since then, I have been treading on the thornful streets of life by cherishing a beautiful relationship with ink-itinerary. There isn't a single day I can pass without penning down my thoughts on a piece of paper.

Last year, I came across the amazing poetry community on Instagram and after a friend suggested, I started posting my poems on that platform. All my life I've felt useless but some of the brilliant poets on Instagram made me feel otherwise. Besides going through clinical depression, I had severe anxiety. But poetry has helped me rise. The family I've made on Instagram has helped me through thick and thin. There were mornings I'd wake wishing I hadn't. But now when I look back, I laugh. I feel like oh, there was nothing to cry. I'm so glad I didn't stop midway and kept writing and now, I have come to know how big the world is.

My family has always been supportive, especially my grandpa. Yes, you're sure to find a lot of poems about that wonderful man. He is a beauty between grays and I must be very lucky to have him by my side.

Other times when I don't write- I read like a maniac, eat like a raven and lose myself in music. Sorry if I sounded weird but that's the person you're going to know as you proceed. So, *madness alert*. Just kidding!

Hope you like my poetry and also don't forget to check out my Instagram page where I have my vision opened


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