The first week of an adventure

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"Make sure not to visit too often or you'll never get stronger", Bardock said. 

"Alright!", Goku said. "You hear that Bulma, well we'll get going, we need to get some mileage in before nightfall."

"Ok, but before you go, I'll get some non-perishables for your travels", Gine said. 

"I'll help to get your clothes", Fasha said getting up and going inside the house.

"Also I expect you to have a woman or two by the time you come back, got it!", Bardock demanded.

Goku patted his head in embarrassment, "Hehehe, maybe..."

Gine and Fasha came out with a  suitcase of Items and gave it to him. Goku then grabbed his bow staff and said goodbye to his sibling since they had to sleep.

Now only the 5 five of them stood outside.

"Well good by everyone, I promise I'll get strong and come to visit", Goku said.

"Thank you for letting me eat with your family", Bulma said bowing.

"Take care of him ok miss Bulma, you do the same for her okay dear?", Gine said.

"If you come back, make sure to make some babies as well", Fasha teased. 

"Okay then, go have fun and Journey to get stronger", Bardock said fist-bumping his son and then walking into the house.

[What a weird father], Bulma thought, "Before we go, I need to do this"

She then went to her bicycle and pressed a button on it, suddenly the bike transformed into a capsule. She then opened a box she had in her belt and tossed another out while putting the other in, suddenly the capsule she had tossed exploded and from it appeared a car.

"Told you guys she had abilities", Fasha said.

"Oh, no this isn't a power, it's a just an item my father invented, this technology has the ability to make big enormous items into very small sizes", Bulma said.

"Oh!", all three said in unison.

"Alright! Goodbye guys!", Goku said putting his things inside and then entering himself.

Bulma also got in and then started the car, they waved the other Saiyans goodbye and then left.

"I hope they'll be fine", Gine asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, he's your's and Bardock's son after all ain't he?", Fasha then walked inside leaving Gine alone.

"Good luck on your journey Kakarot", Gine said.

Goku and Bulma were traveling at a very high speed and were making great mileage. 

"Wow I never knew something like this was ever possible", Goku was super excited this was the first time he had ever traveled in a car.

"You've never traveled in something this fast?", Bulma asked.

"Yes and no! You see my dad can actually fly", Goku said nonchalantly.

"Wait seriously! You're lying", Bulma said in confusion.

"No, I'm serious. Though he can't do cant do it too long or else he gets tired", Bulma still didn't believe him. "Hey, anyways is it true that there are so many things out there in the world like beaches and snow!"

Bulma was shocked, "Wait you've never seen the snow or the beach, have you ever seen the city?"

"Well no, I've only seen pictures that my grandpa had", he said.

Dragon Ball Altered FrameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin