2: adorable pain in my ass

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I was woken up from my sleep with the blaring of a phone. I groaned, shielding my eyes from the sun streaming through the windows.

Ocean gets way too many phone calls.

I pick it up and immediately say "If you want to reach-"

"You're not my brother," a little voice cuts me off curiously.

I resist the urge to 'aww' out loud. I have a soft spot for little kids, what can I say? "No, sorry, little guy. Your brother and I accidentally switched phones."

"Oh yeah! Vince said that!" 'Vince' sounded more like 'Vins' and I smiled at his cuteness.

"How old are you?" I ask the little boy.

"I'm almost 4. I'm a big boy. And! Guess what?"

"What?" I bite my lip, trying not to laugh from his adorableness.

"At preschool, I can wipe my own butt by myself!" he states proudly. "But at home, the toilets are too big so I have to get Oshey to do it."

I assumed that Oshey was Ocean and I couldn't stop the giggles from escaping my lips. Imagining an 18 year old football player wiping a little kid's butt is a pretty funny image. "That's awesome that you can do that all by yourself at preschool. What's your name?"

"My name's Charlie. What's yours?" his little voice proclaimed.

"My name's Cesilia but that may be a little hard to pronounce so you can just call me C," I respond.

"Cesi-l...yeah, I'll just call you C."

I laugh. "Sounds good."

"Did you know that Oshey is at football camp?"

"I actually did know that," I say, keeping my little kid voice.

"I miss him, though. He said he didn't want to go but apparently his coach made him go," Charlie says, sadly.

I frown. Poor little guy. Suddenly, a deep voice came through the phone from the background. "Charlie, who are you talking to?"

"The girl who has Oshey's phone," Charlie states innocently.

"Buddy, hang up. Come eat, kiddo," the guy who thinking back to earlier texts that Ocean's phone have gotten must be Vince.

"Ok, C, I got to go. Bye-bye," Charlie says sweetly and hangs up.

That was adorable.

I sent a quick text to Ocean saying that Charlie is adorable and then run downstairs to help my mom with breakfast.

"Hey, sweetheart," Mom greets me. "How's Coden? Any better?"

As if summoned by his name, Coden comes trudging down the stairs in nothing but boxers, his hair a tousled mess. He mumbles a grumpy 'morning' and plops down on the couch.

"Well, good morning to you too, hun. Do eggs sound good?"

Coden grunts an agreement and immediately turns on the TV.

"Coden, I have some friends coming over for brunch soon so could you put some clothes on?" Mom asks Coden, who's laying perfectly comfortable in his boxers.

"Again? Why are they always coming over?" Coden complains, turning his head to look at Mom.

Mom sighs. "My church friends come over every Sunday for brunch. You know that," Mom explains. It's pretty much a thing where my mom and her friends get together and chat about anything and everything. Mom's been hosting it every Sunday for as long as Coden and I could remember.

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