1: who are you?

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Dammit, where's my phone.

I shuffle around my mini backpack but to my dismay, I can't seem to find my phone anywhere. I let out a groan of frustration.

"I'll check in my bag," Joslyn says, searching her purse.

Keilani sighs and runs a hand through her sleek brown hair. "We already looked there, Jos. It's gone."

I roll my eyes at my friend's carelessness for the whole situation, but in a way, she's right. My phone is gone.

"We have to go back," I state.

"Seriously? Can't we just get it later, like tomorrow?" Keilani mutters, analyzing her nails.

"You guys don't have to come," I say, getting up from my bedroom floor. "But I'm not waiting overnight to get my phone."

"I'll come with you," Britney offers, her green eyes looking up at me.

"It's okay, it's late. You guys hang out or go to sleep. I'll be back in half an hour," I reply.

When I get to my school, the custodian, Jeff, is just finishing cleaning up after today's friday night football game. The game tonight was huge. It was the first game of the school year. Each year, it happens a week and a few days before the first day of school and everyone is always there.

I smile, happy that I know him and how nice he is. "Hey Mr. Jeff?" I call politely as I get closer.

"Oh, Cesilia! It's late, what are you doing here?" Jeff says, turning his gaze on me.

"Lost my phone. Did you happen to see one?" I ask hopefully.

"Oh yeah, I did actually!" he shuffles through his uniform pocket. "Just found it when I was cleaning up." He pulls out a phone and hands it to me as I eagerly accept.

"Thank you so much!" I gush, gratefully taking the phone from him.

He smiles at me. "Sure thing. Keep track of it better, eh? That's an expensive thing thing to lose."


I'm waken from my deep sleep with the sudden ringing of my phone.

I groan and prepare to yell at my twin brother through the phone.

When we were kids, my twin and I would do this thing where we called each other from our rooms in the middle of the night with random inside jokes with out walkie talkies. The tradition kept up when we got our phones since we were so excited to have them and couldn't stop using them. We've stopped doing it considering we like our sleep now, but sometimes we do it randomly just to annoy the hell out of each other.

I pick up the phone, not even looking at the number, just assuming it was Coden, my brother, and mumble into the phone out of frustration from getting woken up in the middle of the night "I will kick your balls so hard they will go up your ass, don't think I won't."

"Damn, woman. Calm down."

I shot up in bed. This was not Coden's voice. This voice was deeper. Sexier. Oh my gosh what am I thinking.

Still in my sleep-like stupor, I shoot back "Who is this and what did you do with my brother?"

There was a second of silence and then a sarcastic, bored reply of "I threw him out the window."

Clearly, I was too tired to realize he was joking as I shot out of bed yelling "You psychopath!" and ran to my brother's bedroom, my heart pounding against my chest.

"I was joking," the deep voice comes through the phone, amusement laced in his voice. I can practically hear his smirk.

I look into my twin's room, and sure enough, he's sleeping soundly curled up in a ball and hugging a pillow, his brown hair a tousled mess of brown and blonde. I blame all the surfing he does for his blonde highlights, considering my hair is just a boring light brown.

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