Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

I did learn a lesson. That one must keep promises they make to themselves. It could be crucial at times. Like this one, for example.

I remember promising myself to go to bed early last night. Yeah, that was about it. I didn't get to sleep much, and now is payback. Though I desperately needed sleep, I couldn't resist watching the teaser of my favourite show. And then next thing I know, I watched three whole episodes which I'd missed.

And then I kept obsessing over the fact the Toby was part of the A Team. Yup, I'm a fan of Pretty Little Liars. And of course, I had to call my fellow friends who watch the same soap opera as I.

And then it became one of them longest of nights.

And that night, and many others, taught me to keep promises to myself. But even though I long since learned the lesson, I still make the same mistakes.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I ignored it at first, thinking whoever was calling might give up eventually, but they didn't.

I got off the bed, after what pain I endured, draging my cover along. I tried looking at my phone's screen for a while, but my eyelids just refused to open. So I just slid my finger on the screen and answered, "ello?"

"It's hello, with an H, ya know?" Logan's voice rang through my ear.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice cracking. Patience was running out, and I was longing to go back to my comfy bed.

"Whoa there Anns, chill." he told me.

"No." I answered simply. Not really sure what I was objecting to.

"Anna?" he asked. His soft voice calling my name made me shiver, so I wrapped the covers tighter around me. "Yeah?"

"Should I come over?" he replied. I halted for a moment before I gave voice, "Y-yeah, you do that," and hung up quickly before making it back to my bed again.


"You know, you're such a lazybutt, Anna." Logan told me for the third time this morning.

"Why thank you. Logiebear." I replied not really bothering to look at him. I was busy brushing my teeth.

Logan had fulfilled his promise and came over like he said. And take my word for it, he enjoyed waking me up so much that he admitted that it made his day. I mean, what was so much fun in dragging me, with one arm, from bed to the shower and letting cool water send electricity down my what used to be a warm body. Huh? It wasn't funny. Because from my point of view, it was nothing but humiliating.

After Logan made sure that I was soaked till skin, he decided that he should finally turn the water tap off. And from his overflowing kindness, note the sarcasm, he handed me a towel to wrap myself in.

But instead, I turned the water on again, and next thing you know, Logan was drinking from the same glass of ice water.

And only then did I learn that it really was fun. I grinned from ear to ear seeing Logan shivering, but I got a new towel out of the cabinet and handed it to him, anyways.

"We could use some breakfast, you know. Logiebear," I said.

"You know you're really taking advantage of that nickname, Anna." Logan said.

"Yeah, well, bite me." I answered.

He didn't say anything for a while, which made me look in his direction, and seeing that smirk on his face, I knew he was up to something. Before I could say anything, his lips moved voicing the words, "I'd be happy to oblige," before inching closer.

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