Chapter 9

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Anastasia's POV

Logan and I kept running for quite a long while. It seemed to take even longer than it actually did. My heart began pounding fast. Well, we did exert a lot of effort. I was tired by now and I needed water. But of course, I’d rather keep running than having another dreaded ten minutes with a snake.

Logan stopped and asked "Do you remember where the car exactly is?" I shook my head. I halted for a moment then I had an idea, "Why don't you try this alarm thingy. I mean if the car is somewhere near, it will start beeping." I had my fingers crossed at this moment. Last thing I needed right now was a missing car.

Logan was silent for a second but a smile was beginning to form on his face. "Now, that's pretty smart," he said as he searched his pockets for the keys. He pressed the red alarm button and the car started beeping and flashing. Thank God. The flashes were really faint in the bright sun light. Still, we could hear the fading sounds. We were gonna have to depend on our hearing senses.

Logan and I headed off again, trying to follow the sound to where the car was. That road was very seldom used. It was obvious. No foot prints marking in the muddy road. The fallen leaves from the trees weren’t crumpled. They looked beautiful. If I was a photographer, I’d totally picture it. The leaves made these crumpling noises as we stepped over them. They were hidind the big tree branches, yet they could be felt. You might wanna know that it did hurt stepping on them.

A bird was flying above us. I looked at it admirably. Logan followed my gaze and looked at it, too. I lifted my foot to take a step forward while still looking towards the sky, when "AWW!" I cried as I slipped and fell on my right side to the ground.

Logan knelt down, concern filling both his face and voice. "You okay?" he asked.

"I think I broke a rib," I sware it hurt that bad. Except that I haven’t really experienced the pain of a literally broken rib before.

"You'll be fine." he assured.

He gave me a hand to help me up and put the other around my waist for support. After I finally stood up, he put his hands under my chin and lifted it. He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Does it hurt bad? We could pass by the hospital,"

Hospital. Eww. No way! I hated hospitals more than anything. Guess it's because I've been there way too often when I was young. And yeah, I've always been clumsy like that. It took me some time to realize the real disaster. I was covered in mud ALL OVER. I needed to get back home and change immediately. So I just shook my head and told Logan that I was fine.

Part of me knew he was aware I was lying because the next thing I know is Logan lifting me. Boy, was his arms strong. I laid my head on his shoulder trying to catch my breath. I pitied the poor guy for having to carry me long but I wouldn't dare tell him to put me down. I was in a seriously bad condition. My ribs hurt real bad. My whole right side did.

I just wanted to get some sleep but I could tell Logan wouldn't just leave me alone like that. We reached the car sooner than I hoped for. He opened the passenger door and sat me in carefully. He was gonna have to drive me home.

I told Logan exactly how to get to my house. Luckily he knew where Starbucks were. And my guess is, he knows the difference between left and right.

"That's the house, right?" Logan asked as the car pulled in front of our house.

"Yeah, it is. Thanks. " I said blushing a bit. "Come in. We could order pizza or something. I bet you're starving just as I am,"

"Well, the starving part is totally true,"


"I'm not sure."

"Oh. Come in,"

Logan finally gave in and got into the house. Wait, should I be happy or something? I mean of course I should let him in. But did I want to? I don’t know. My ideas were up in the air and I didn't know what I wanted. I was tired. And for a split second, I regretted letting Logan in. I wanted to sleep and rest. But I quickly shook the idea from my head. If he was going to stay here for a while, then let's make it fun. And don't get me wrong you people! And to make sure nothing awkward happens, I'm gonna call Melody and Miranda and tell them to come over. But I'd do that after I shower, maybe then they'd be done with their shopping spree. Anyhow, I desperately needed a shower at the moment. I kinda stink you know.

"Logan, I think you should order the pizza while I shower. You'll find the numbers right next to the phone, which is besides the LCD screen over there," I said. Is it rude to order someone around when it's the first time they're at your house? But Logan didn't seemed to mind.

"Yeah sure. You go ahead,"

"Thanks. You'll find movie DVDs under the TV if you feel like watching something."

"Alright, thanks Anns. And oh, which pizza do you prefer?"

"Umm..I like the pepperoni best. But you can get whatever. I eat almost everything," He laughed then said "Really? I mean you don't look like you eat much," I blushed.

"Should I take that as a compliment or something?"

"Uh-huh." he said nodding.

"Okayyyy. I'll go shower," I replied. He put his hands casually in his pockets and said "If you need anything, you know I'll be glad to help,"

My blood ran cold. I could’ve sworn I seen him smirk. I blushed madly. Like MADLY! I ran up the stairs as fast as lightning despite being so hurt from the earlier impact with the forest floor. I disappeared into my room and closed the door shut. Looks like he's gonna be more than I could handle. I striped and walked into the bathroom to take a very much needed shower.


 Big Time Rush WON A BLIMP!!!!! And they shot a video for Time Of Our Life! Yaaayyyyy!! I posted the video>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Okayyy. Didya guys like this chapter? Hope you did! I'll try to update soon. :3

Comment/fan/vote plz? xo, Asmaa

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