Chapter 06

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Chapter 06

I walk to the shed were Anna is kept. I can't help but feel a heavy weight on  my chest. Ed was so awkward after I told him about Logan, he barely spoke to me. I have second thoughts about going to the party. Should I go? Or maybe I should just skip it, if things are going to continue to be this strange. But then again he asked me twice if I were going, and I said yes both times, I can't bail now. I give Aurora a hug, and begin to brush her body. I secure the paddle on her back, when I hear footsteps. Someone's coming into the shed.

There are four hourses kept in each shed. The workers here feed them, and make sure to ride them if their owners haven't showed up for long. I, however, prefer to do it all myself. Logan's horse is still here, which means he probably still isn't here. I hear someone's singing after the door creaks open. It's Logan's? He's singing to his horse, who is apparently named Diana. His voices makes me feel like something set off in my stomach.

"Hey, beautiful." he says.

"Uhh..he-" just as I begin to reply I realize he's been talking to his horse, and he didn't even notice me there. I flush and look away.

He fixes his gaze on me and smirks.

"Hello, kitten." he says, to me this time.

"Hi.." I say. He walks over to me and pulls me in a quick embrace.

"How are you?" he asks.

"Oh. I am good." I respond.

"I'm." he says.


"It's I'm, not I am." he teases.

"Oh, is it, Logiebear?" I challenge and stick my tongue at him. Childish, I know.

He walks over until his face is just a few inches from mine, and I panic. What is he doing? Just when I start to fantacise that maybe he was going to kiss me, he smirks. He brings his hand up and pokes me in the nose with his forefinger.

"Kitten," he starts. "we're gonna start a race, in about now, and you're gonna lose miserably."

What? No, I'm not going to lose. I already lost to him one time, and it's not going to happen again. I'm surprised that I didn't feel strange at all at him calling me kitten. Well, well, well.

Logan secures the paddle on Diana's backk, as I get on Aurora's back. "See you outside, Logie." I smirk. I actually do smirk. I ride outside to the start line and wait for Logan to catch up.

The race is pretty challenging. I pass the finish the race just three seconds before Logan joins me.

"I take it you're the one that's miserable now." I tease. He pokes my nose.

" Stop that.." I tell him, but he doesn't stop. He's poking my cheeks now. "Logiebear, stop poking me. It's not nice."

He stops. "Don't call me that." he says.

"What? Logiebear?" I ask with all the innocence I can muster.

"Stop it, kitten." he tells me.

"Nope. I say, popping the 'p', and for the second time in an hour, I smirk.

He stares at me for a moment, amusement evident on his face. "Come on." he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll take you somewhere."


"You'll see. Now come." he says, and I give in.

"Okay." I say and ride next to him in silence. That type of silence was comfortable, nothing like the silence in the car with Ed. Why am I thinking about Ed right now? God!

"Why do you not like it when I call you kitten?" he asks quietly.

I blush and try to think of answer but I can't seem to find one. "I, just, I mean you can just call me by my name, you know."

He smirks. "What?" I ask.

"I knew you liked it," his smirk grew even wider, showing his dimples.

I feel the pink in my cheeks deepen into a dark red. Well I can't say I don't like it either, so I don't say anything. I look ahead of me and notice where we're going. We're heading to the woods.

"You been here before?" he asks.

I nod my head, "a couple of times." I say.

He instructs me to do as he does, so I get off of Aurora and tie her to the next to Diana's tree. Logan begins to walk over the pumby road. It's a struggle just walking. The tree roots are tangled, and it hurts when I step over them. The mud is slippery and wet, and basically, I'm having a hard time. Logan is a good few feet ahead of me, he looks back and says "come on, kitten." with a smirk on his face. I ignore the amusement on his face and try to focus on the floor in a desperate attempt not to fall on my face and embaress myself.

Logan walks back to me, and holds me by the arm. I'm in no position to object here, so I let him hold me. We reach a little slope, and the ground here is much slippier, and I just stand and stare. He puts the hand that was holding my arm on my back, and holds me with the other arm. I refuse to budge. "Come on, you won't fall." he reassures me, I look into his eyes that hold such a sincere expression, I nod, and let him guide me.

We walk for a few minutes more before I look up to see a lake? I've been here multiple times, but I've never seen that lake before.It was a beautiful sight. The water is so clear I could see the little fish swimming around. The surface, crystal like, reflecting the sun light, and lighting the place in an overwhelming manner. The trees stop growing round the diameter of the lake, leaving a few feet of overgrown grass and flowers. It's breathtaking, I don't say a word.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he asks.

"Yeah.." I answer and walk over to the water, and rn my fingers through. I can feel Logan's eyes on my back, but I don't look at him. I need  to take in every detail of this place.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I say.

"It's nothing," he replies averting his eyes from me.

"Do you come here a lot?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah, to get away from," he hesitates, "people."

"It's a beautiful place," I say, and he smiles. "Yeah, it's so inspiring, you know. I come here when I wanna write a song." he says.

I smile at him. I didn't know he writes songs, but again what do I know about him anyway?

"Do you know how to climb trees?" he asks, and I shake my head. I have no idea how to do that, I've never even tried before.

He smirks, "Come on then, kitten. I'll show you."

"uhh. umm.." I stutter wanting to object but not quite knowing what to say. He smiles and walks over to the nearest tree. It's stem is so wide, and it has a lot of branches that are not so far away from each other, perfect for climbing. I wonder if he always climbs that particular tree. I watch him intently as he jumps and pulls himself up with the branch closest to the ground. The muscles on his arms flex as he pulls himself up and sits on the branch swiftly. Now I'm not so sure I can do that.

"Your turn," he tells me.

"I'm not so sure." i say, mostly to myself.

"Trust me, I'll catch you if you fall." he smiles. A genuine smile, not that smirk I'd grown used to. I slowly walk over the tree and stand under the branch. Logan offers me his hand, I stand on the tip of my toes and take it. He takes my other hand in his, and he pulls me up. I shriek. But in a matter of seconds, I'm sitting on the tree branch next to Logan. We climb to the next branch safely, but I ignore Logan's suggestions that we should climb to the third branch  because the view from up there is much better. I wouldn't want to fall on my head from such critical position. Logan sighs and sits next to me. We stare at the water in silence. A few minutes later, Logan's gaze is turned on me, and I feel that something in my stomach stir. I can't ignore it for long. I look at him, straight into his chocolate brown eyes. I smile as he blurts "I wanna know you,"

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