Chapter 21

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second chapter of the party! hold your horses everyone!

ive got one word for you,



Chapter 21

I've been at Dex's party for more than two hours now. Pretty much everyone around was drunk already. The smell of alcohol filled the air inside and it made my breathing hard. I decided to go outside for some fresh air.

I took a sip from my can of soda that I managed to find in the fridge, along with the one I'e already drunk. I managed to make way to the door that led to the backyard. It was a slide-open door. Kind of like the ones we have at our place.

I managed to make through the crowd of drunken people to the door. I curled my fingers around the door handle to slide it open, when a hand gripped on mine. The hold was not familiar. I looked up to see who it was, and the face was familiar nonetheless. It was Ed. He was grinning from ear to ear. Why, I have no idea.

"What?" I asked.

"You're leaving already?"

"Nope." I answered popping the p as I always do, "I'm just going out for some fresh air." I finished as I slid the door open at its widest and left it there. It let in a breeze of chill night air, which I was grateful of. I noticed Ed's hand was still curled around my fingers which began hurting, so I cleared my throat loud.

He grinned sheepishly and pulled his hand away. My fingers were quite reddish by now. Gosh, the dude is strong.

I stepped outside and inhaled as much as I could handle filling my lungs with fresh, clean air. I repeated that once more.

"I'll come with." I spun around at the sound. It was Ed. Jeez, I thought he was already gone. But, no. He was standing right behind me, his face expressionless.

We walked, me in the lead and Ed right behind me, to the middle of the grass, where three curled benches were placed. Together the made three quarters of a circle. They were wooden, and there were patterns craved on them. I've heard that Dex and his dad were the ones to crave the patters. I smiled at the thought. The patters were amazing-I can admit right now that they were some sort of perfection.

"What's on your mind?" I almost jumped off at the sound. I totally forgot there was an Ed sitting right beside me. Why do I keep forgetting that he's around. I looked at him and noticed how shiny his deep blue eyes were in the moon light. He must have noticed me stare, 'cause he raised one eyebrow at me. I blushed. Now, I'm seriously questioning his alerting level.

"Nothing." I replied simply. He shot me a smile that flashed his dimple. I blushed a bit, but maybe, hopefully he didn't notice.

We sat there in silence for what could be over fifteen minutes. My can of soda was empty but I still held it in my hands for the lack of things to do with them. And frankly, I didn't want to interrupt the peaceful silence that surrounded me and Ed.

That was weird saying me and Ed in one sentence. And now I said it again. Jeez.

"Are you drunk?" I blurted.

He spun his torso to look at me. His blue eyes piercing into mine. He smiled, not a smirk-a smile. I couldn't read his expression, though.

"Nope." his said popping the p, "I'm the driver for the night," he finished.

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