Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Miraaaaaaaaaaandaaaaaa!" I called at the top of my lungs as I made it into Miranda's place. I was supposed to meet Melody and Miranda there so we could get ready for the party at Dex's.

Yes, I was going to the party. And yes, I was forced. Like always. And to be frank, I don't think anything special is gonna happen tonight, so it's gonna be the way it had always been for me. I've explained that before, haven't I?

I'm sure you've figured it out already, but just in case you haven't; today was Monday already.

Yesterday was quite a long day for me. I spent it all with Logan, Carlos, Kendall, James and Sammy. We had lunch at Carlos' place. Then we hung out there for like an hour before I decided that I should get going.

Since I had no car to drive around, Logan offered that he'd drive me. Not that I'd turn that offer down. And you know what? Carlos and I live really close to each other, like a five minute car ride or so. I know I might have said that before but I wasn't as sure as I am now.

After we arrived at my house and I was just at the door, I felt strong hands holding my arm. I turned around, not that I had any other choice. And Logan's arms was wrapped around me. I was literally engulfed. Logan's pretty huge for me. He wasn't not as tall as James, but was definitely bigger than I was. I curled my arms around Logan's waist. And I swear he pulled me closer, if that was even possible at all. He kissed my hair and rested his chin where he kissed me for a while.

We just stood there in silence until Logan whispered a "Goodnight" in my ear. I smiled to myself and returned it. I watched him make his way to his car. Speaking of which, it was a different one-not the black Jeep that we rode before. I then turned on my heels, twisted the keys and the door flew open revealing the staircase.

I went upstairs to my rooms first cause by the time, I really needed to use a bathroom.

Skipping the details of the bathroom part, I changed into a large t-shirt. It was black with a white moustache in the center. Shouldn't it be the other way round. Weird. Anyways, I slipped into my flip flops and dashed down our long spiral staircase to the kitchen. How I love the kitchen. It's just so full of food and... Isn't it reason enough to love it-that it's full of food?

Oh and did I forget to tell you? I asked the boys and Sammy if they wanted to come to the party and they actually said yes. Let's just hope that things don't get awkward.

And there I was in Miranda's room, trying to find a dress to wear to the party.


"Anna! Don't move," Melody exclaimed.

"Oh gosh, Em, do you realise how much time you've spent doing my hair?" I Replied. She has been doing my hair for like fifteen minutes, but trust me it felt way more than just fifteen minutes, if you know what I mean.

"Almost done!" she answered quite excitedly. Typical Melody. Always proud of her work when it comes to hair and makeup. Not that she doesn't have the right to. The outcomes are usually awe-striking even though it bores the crap out of me to spend so much time on hair.

"Whatever," I gave voice.

"You'll love me, just wait for a few,"

"Em, I already love you. But if you make me sit here for one more minute I'm gonna start to change that,"

She laughed and then said, "I'm done. There now you can look,"

I did as told. I hopped off of the chair to make my blood run again to where it should, and spun on my heels. My eyes widened. Wy jaw dropped the slightest of bit and I let out a "Wow." that was it. I was awe-struck.

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