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"DEAN WINCHESTER! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Dean recognized that voice to be his one and only mother, Mary Winchester. Dean obeyed, jogging down the stairs to his mother who stood wet from the rain with a couple papers from the mailbox in hand.

"Yeah, Mom?" Dean asked, picking up an orange and giving it a toss.

Mary took in a deep breath. "Is there anything you would like to tell me?"

Dean hesitated, "Uh...no, not that last I checked. Why?"

"Sit down," Mary said, gesturing to the couch in their spotless living room. Dean did as told, taking a seat in the armchair. Mary sat down on the couch opposite of him.

"I had my meet today," Mary said, "and I'm glad you didn't come. There's was this kid there, I talked to him after, his story fit how you've been behaving lately --"

"Kid?" Dean asked, twirling the ends of his sweater and secretly screaming on the inside.

Mary nodded. "Yes, he said his mother forced him to go. I know that you went Black Friday shopping with your friends and didn't come home until late that night, without the Impala of course."

Dean slowly nodded back. "Yeah, I left it at a friends house after I smashed it."

"Yeah, well, this kid just so happened to have a tape of you punching and kicking it." Mary started, lifting her hands up to rub her face.

"Oh shit..."

"I believe his name is Castiel, that um...punk kid you're always hanging out with until recently."

"Mom --"

"You asked me about heart break, and I know you broke up with Bella awhile ago to be with someone else."

"I would've --"

Mary sighed, "Why didn't you just tell me that you're gay?"

Dean shut his mouth and ran a hand through his hair. "I knew you and Dad wouldn't like it...I wanted to keep it a secret so -- so what happened last time with...wouldn't happen again."

"Dean, honey, John and I have learned to live with it, that we won't have grandkids and...you should have told me earlier. What happened last time won't happen again, I promise."

Dean nodded and stared at his lap. Mary sighed and sat down beside her son. "I'm not angry, a little...sad but it's your choice. If you really love him then...stay with him."

Dean let a tear fall. "Mom, he hates me. I literally put him in the hospital! I told him on Friday 'cause I couldn't keep lying and living with the fact! He yelled at me to leave so I did, I got mad and I'm sorry about the Impala...he won't even look at me at school, Mom. I dunno what to do...how to make this better."

Mary wiped her thumb across Dean's cheek. "You love him, right?" she asked.

"'Course, I don't know how somebody can't love Cass."

Mary gave a small smile. "Describe him to me, I know what he looks like but that's just about it."

Dean smiled back and sat up straight. "Well, Cass is...the kindest guy ever, he definitely doesn't look it at first but he's a giant teddy bear...he loves to cuddle. His blue eyes...my god his eyes; they're the bluest of blue to ever blue. Cass is always so sarcastic but that's what makes him funny. He has the oddest ways of showing affection and he has this smile...it's reserved for only me...I haven't seen it in awhile but I deserve it. His personality is really complex, but I still love it. I guess you could call him goth but he isn't sad at all, his smile was always bright and he would squint his eyes. When he's sad his eyes go a dark navy and lose their sparkle; he twirls his snake bites whenever he's nervous or excited. Cass is really ticklish on his hips...and he hates being touched right below a scar he has on his chest from when he got in a crash a year back...on April 28, 2013..."

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