"Meg, I have to talk to you. Now." Castiel pulled on Meg Master's leather jacket, tugging her through the hall and into a empty janitors closet. How original... Cass thought.

Meg smirked and leaned against one of the shelves, starting to unzip her black skinny jeans, which Cass thought would look a million times better on Dean. Hell, he wants Dean to be unzipping his jeans so Cass can get right on in and blow his lights out.

"No," Castiel said, Meg shrugged and zipped her jeans back up. "I have a stupid, petty crush and I won't use you so I can only think about them more."

Meg sighed, "No more benefits?" Cass nodded. "Alright, who's the girl?"

"Dean Winchester."

Meg looked honestly surprised. "Oh really? Why so angry then?"

Cass leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his leather jacket and black t-shirt. "He has a girlfriend now and they kissed and everything and now he's all gooey over her and she asked him to come over and I want to kill the bitch and-"

"Who's she?" Meg asked, examining her purple fingernails.

"Bella..." Castiel hissed; Meg looked up at Cass.



"My god, Dean's screwed. She's fucked half the football team already, and it's only been, like what, a month since she's got here?"

Cass nodded, "And I really like him. You know how it is with me and liking people like I do him. For Lucifers sake, I can almost say I love him. It's only been a week!"

"Wow, Cassie's got a crush. Well, tell you what Clarence, I'll talk to Dean and take care of Bella myself. Unless, you want to make him jealous."


Meg smirked and nodded, "Oh yeah, he's sees you with me and he'll spark. I've seen the way he looks at you, and I heard him talking to Charlie."

"That's stupid. Why is he with Bella then?"

Meg shrugged, "Maybe he thinks that if you see him with someone else you'll speak your feelings. You should play his game, make out with me by the lockers and see his reaction."

"Good idea, devious but good. Damn, you're brilliant."

"Thanks Clarence, let's get on with this, shall we?"

"We shall."


(Dean's/3rd person POV)

Cass didn't show for the rest of the day, or at least during classes. Dean saw him talking to another girl who he figured was this Meg girl Castiel was talking about at lunch. She wore a leather jacket that she kept tugging at, black skinny jeans, combat boots, a dark purple blouse, and has long black, almost dark purple hair. If Dean swung that way, he'd go for her too.

They seemed to be having a serious conversation, until Cass whispered something into her ear and she giggled. Dean could have sworn when he locked eyes with Castiel, he saw hurt and only hurt. But that doesn't make sense, I didn't hurt him. Did I?

Well, he apparently wasn't that hurt considering how they started making out in the hallway on the lockers. Meg was squeezing Cass' ass in one hand, the other gripping his black and blue tipped hair. Oh how jealous Dean is at this moment, he'd give anything to be Meg. Cass is pushing them together more but you could tell he isn't enjoying it, almost like he's forcing himself to go along and kiss back.

"Hey, Dean-o, what's -- oh..." Charlie said, her hand on Dean's shoulder and the other watching Dean's crush and Meg make out. "Don't worry about it, like he said, friends with benefits."

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