The football game finally started. Dean and Anthony are safeties and the team is currently playing defense. Benny is the middle linebacker, Andy and Mark tackles. Gordon and Leonardo are outside linebackers, John and Andrew are the two cornerbacks.

Dean isn't particularly happy with having to be working with Anthony, a complete asshole that picks on any kid smaller than him, but it's better than Gordon.

Cass showed up seven minutes late which made Coach Whitney mad, but he's quick to get over tiny issues of that sort.

Most of the team didn't mind Castiel being water boy but Anthony and Gordon wouldn't even drink their water because Cass "spreads gay, emo germs."

How childish, why can't they just grow up and act like nineteen-year-old guys instead of asshole jocks. Hell, why do they even give a shit if Castiel is gay, what difference would it make to them? It's not like Cass-

"Winchester! What the hell are you doing?!" Whitney yelled from the side lines, interrupting Dean from his thoughts. Apparently water break was over and Dean has to switch with Benny.

The offensive team, the Lions, are down by only three points so the game is close, uncomfortably and irritatingly close. Now all Dean needs to do is hopefully score a touchdown and award the Ravens with six more points. Sure, because that's so gonna happen.

"Alright Dean, take Benny's place. Don't you screw this up, you're gonna need a good reputation with this team."

Dean respectfully nodded and jogged out on the field, yelling at Benny.

Now playing middle linebacker, Dean had a very small chance of making a touchdown unless he makes an interception or if he recovers a fumble. Either way, with his lack of experience, it's almost completely impossible for him.

But, of course, he accomplished the impossible.

Intercepting number 23 of the Lions, Dean ran and ran until he almost vomited and scored his very first touchdown in the last quarter during the last minute so nobody could score another point in 2.3 seconds.

Benny yelled and everybody group hugged, all except Cass because of his "gay germs" and congratulated Dean on winning the game. Gordon was pissed off for it not being him but that's Gordon, he has to get what he wants when he wants. But it's not like Dean is going to let him crush his happiness.

"You scored a fucking touchdown!"
Cass yelled, jumping on Dean's sweaty body.

"You know football?"

Castiel laughed, "Believe it or not, I can actually tell the difference between a home run and a touchdown."

"I'm genuinely surprised."

Cass jumped off of Dean's aching back. "I know right?"

"Dean!" John Winchester yelled, a huge smile on both his and his wife's faces.

Dean smiled and walked to his father, limping, and hugged him. "I can't believe that happened."

"I didn't even know you could play football!" Sam yelled, punching his big brothers gut.

"Thanks Sammy." Dean said and Mary smiled brighter.

"I would hug you but you are as sweaty as the sun so I'll pass, and you must stink like a sewer."

"That is a perfect description of what I smell and feel like. I swear I lost a million pounds during that friggin' game."

"You did terrific, honey. Go shower before I start smelling you from here."
Dean grinned and turned to walk to the showers, running straight into Castiel.

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