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{clash of the fanfics...only Twist & Shout is a bajillion times better than this piece of shit...}

Castiel and Dean have been driving in silence, which would have been comfortable if Cass would have quit "sneaking" glances at Dean and making small touches like the occasional leg squeeze or shoulder rub.

"Don't be so nervous" Cass said, glancing at Dean and then the road.

Dean gave a small smile. "What can you expect, I'm going on a date with a guy I barely know and only met a week ago."

Castiel smirked, still concentrating on the road. "You know me."

"Sure I know you, but I don't know you."

Cass sighed, "Alright, well...I'm pretty much gay, as you know. I like alcohol. I like you. I have...five siblings; Michael, Uriel, Balthazar, Gabriel and Anna."

"That's a shit load of kids in one house."

Cass laughed, "You have no idea. Gabe and Balth are always playing tricks on everybody, Michael was -- is like the Dad of the house. Uriel just yells at everyone and Anna is kinda like a second mother since Hester can't do a damn thing without screwing up."

"Who's Hester?"

Cass pursed his lips, glancing out his window. "So you're a virgin?"

Dean nodded knowing the subject about Hester would no longer be continued. "Yeah, it's kinda pathetic."

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I wish I waited for the right person. Virgins are the best, with their cuteness and innocence, just so it can be stripped away and taken. But then again, that's my opinion."

Dean blushed and looked out the window, a couple trees and a few cars and minivans passing by every so often. Then there's the Roadhouse, Jo and Ash having a heated fight to the side, Jo storming back in and Ash cursing.

Cass shrugged and opened his door, Dean doing the same and following him inside the building.

Dean kissed Jo on the cheek and whispered something in her ear, which made Cass jealous, not that he'd admit that. Jo smiled and led them to a booth in the back, the boys sitting across from each other.

"What can I get you two love birds? Charlie told me no alcohol, drunken sex isn't the best apparently."

Dean shoved his face into his hands while Cass stared at him with a smirk. "If I remember correctly, two triple chocolate milkshakes, fries, bacon cheeseburger, and apple pie." Castiel answered, looking back up to Jo who grinned and wrote down their order.

"Alright, that'll be out in a bit." Jo walked off, grinning until she passed Ash.

"You got all that from Charlie, right?"

Cass shook his his head, "Na, I talked to Sam before I left."

Dean raised an eyebrow, propping his elbows up on the table and holding his chin. "How?"

"He came over to hang out with Gabe and Balth so I asked him."

"Oh, shows how little attention I pay."

"You do know that we will practically be eating diabetes?"

Dean chuckled. "You do know that alcohol can give you liver cancer? I may have diabetes but I'll have a happy life."

"Touché. Tell me your story" Cass said, placing himself in the same position as Dean and intently taking in all his perfect features, like his bright, curious emerald green eyes, his little bit of stubble from forgetting to shave the day before, the freckles running across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, just pure beauty.

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