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Tuesday's, Sam's least favorite day and Dean's favorite right now. He still can't get over the fact that Castiel Novak asked him out on a fan friggin' date, of all the people in the world; but that's what makes Dean lucky, Cass is so hard-to-get and sweet but rude, and cute but dorky that it makes him even harder. He never gives a shit and is a party animal...the complete opposite of Dean Winchester, the virgin, the nerd, the lucky football player.

Dean picked out his outfit a day before, as usual. This time it's navy blue skinny jeans, a skeleton hand giving the birdie, combat boots, and a beanie to top it off, wearing the pendent Sam got him just a while before. He felt confident, for once, not paying any attention at how high the sleeves are, how his shirt hugs his chest, his least favorite tattoo showing, or the way his bowlegs stand out more; it all seemed not to matter. He didn't bother using foundation to cover up anything, he felt like he's on cloud nine; because, honestly, that's how Cass makes him feel.

"Hey, Dean," Mary said, stepping into her sons room. "Can I talk to you?"

Dean shrugged, "Sure. What's up?"

Mary hesitated, "Well, your father and I have noticed something...different -- about you. I mean, it's a good different, you're definitely more bold now but why the sudden change?"

Dean pulled on a shirt, trying to miss his aching tattooed back. "I dunno; I guess I'm breaking out of my shell."

"Alright, well, there's a boy here waiting for you. He said you needed a ride to school."

"Tallish, wears black, black hair with blue tips, a lot of piercings and tattoos?"

Mary nodded, "Awesome, that's Cass. Is Sammy ready yet?"

"Yes, he's doing some last minute homework."

"Okay, tell Cass I'll be down in a second."

Mary exited the room and Dean couldn't help but show the grin he was hiding. This new relationship is just...perfect already.


Dean, Cass, Gabriel and Sam walked into the school, both with their choice of a partner; Sam and Gabriel walking oddly close together, and Cass and Dean.

"So, about our date, where do you wanna go?" Castiel asked, walking backwards.

Winchester shrugged, "You asked, you pick."

"Well, I have a good friend at the Roadhouse."

Dean nodded, "Jo or Ash?"

Castiel laughed, "Ash, how did you know it was either of them?"

"Ash and Jo are the only ones there that would be friend worthy of you."

"Friend worthy? What am I, Captain Kirk?" Cass asked, smirking and bumping into a student. "Sorry man...woman."

Bella smiled when she saw Dean, "You didn't come over yesterday, where were you?"

Dean panicked, "Um...I was visiting my uncle, couldn't make it."

"Tonight?" Bella asked, her grin spread across her face and a pen being twirled in-between her index fingers.

Dean shook his head, "I can't, I have to go to this church thing with Mom."

"Aw, Deanie-baby's a good little boy," Cass said, grinning and playing with his snake bites, winking at Dean who blushed.

"Not really..." Dean replied.

"So, tomorrow?" Bella asked, sounding annoyed by the fact that Cass spoke.

Dean shrugged, "Maybe. I got to get to class, bye."

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