We'll Protect You

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It had been a couple months since Dazai and Chuuya started living together. And Chuuya was the happiest he had ever been. Dazai never made excuses like Shirase did. Every weekend rain or shine. Dazai took Chuuya out. He would take him to the movies, shopping centers, restaurants, scenic spots, and more. Dazai always dedicated his whole day to the petite redhead. And even on days when they couldn't go anywhere he and Dazai would snuggle on the couch and watch movies and have snacks or they'd have sex on ever surface of their apartment. Today was one of those days.

Chuuya chuckled as Dazai kissed him. "Mmm... I am gonna go shower."

"Can I come with you?"

"No mister you can't! I don't trust you to keep your hands to yourself." Dazai chuckled as Chuuya was walking away and he slapped his ass. And Chuuya squeaked.

"Well why you freshen up I'll be making breakfast!" Dazai said, jumping out of bed.


While Chuuya was showering Dazai was cooking his ginger's favorite breakfast. Dazai hummed and smiled as he sat both plates down. And just then Chuuya was rounding the corner brushing his hair.

"You're just in time I just finished." Dazai smiled.

"Looks good." Chuuya smiled. Chuuya sat down at the table and he grabbed his fork and he was eating a little and talking to Dazai and then suddenly it hit him. Chuuya shot up and Dazai was stunned as he heard Chuuya run to the bathroom and slam the door. Dazai immediately got up and went to go check on Chuuya.

Dazai knocked softly. "Chuuya? You okay?"

"Y-Yeah! I just am feeling a little under the weather!"

"Can I get you anything? Water? Or medicine?" He asks worriedly.

Chuuya opened the door and he hugged Dazai. "No. I think with some rest I'll be okay..."

"Alright. Then let's just rest and watch movies today."

Chuuya smiled. "Okay."


Over the next few weeks things got worse. Chuuya hated the way everything smelled. The smallest thing made him nauseous. He was constantly sleeping. His mood swings were extreme; he could go from extremely happy to crying the next second. Dazai made Chuuya promise to go to the doctor while he went to work, and Chuuya did. He wouldn't break his promise. Chuuya was currently sitting in the waiting room shaking his leg out of nervousness. Chuuya saw a nurse step into the waiting room and she looked at the chart in her hand.

"Nakahara Chuuya!"

Chuuya stood up and the nurse smiled. "Good morning."


"So how are you today Chuuya? What's going on?"

"I don't know. Everything makes me feel sick lately. And I am so tired all the time. My chest is terribly sore and I've been having bad mood swings. I know I've gained weight cause my pants won't fit anymore..."

"Oh my." The nurse already had an idea of what it might be. "Well we are going to check your blood pressure, temperature, and then weigh you. Once we do that I am sure the doctor will ask for blood work from you."

Chuuya just nodded. First the nurse checked his temperature and blood pressure.

"Temperature and blood pressure are good and normal. Now if you could take your jacket off and step on the scale for me."

Chuuya listened to the nurse and did just that. It weighed him and she notated it.

"Last time you were 125 pounds now you're 132, so you've gained 7 pounds since last time. Alright, I am going to take you to the room now and I'll be back in a moment to take blood from you okay?"

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