His Butler, Imprisoned

Start from the beginning

"Well, actually there were none," Abberline stated as all of your gazes turned down to look at the covered body. "Not even any identification papers."

"In that case I'm happy to be of service," Ciel stated. "Thank you inspector Abberline. Sebastian! (Y/N)!" With the call of your names, the two of you followed after Ciel who turned on his heels and headed back into the crowd. You followed him by his side, never looking back at the inspectors whose gazes you felt on your back. The crowd parted, allowing the three of you to head your way back to the carriage.

"No belongings," you murmured so that only Ciel could hear you.

He glanced over to you, a contemplating look on his face. "There's something unusual about this." His gaze glanced suspiciously throughout the crowd only to gesture for you to remain quiet. "We'll discuss this in the carriage. We don't know who may be listening." You nodded your head understanding his reason. There was a chance that someone could be listening in on your conversation. Perhaps even the murderer themselves. The carriage was nearby so it didn't take long for the three of you to reach it and climb in. Chibi Tanaka snapped the reins, forcing the horses forward along the dock, the still surface of the ocean passing by on your left.

"Is something wrong my lord? I must say you seem even more grave this afternoon." Sebastian asked Ciel upon noticing the concentrated look on his face. You glanced down at the younger boy from where you sat besides him, curious as to what he was thinking about.

"And I should look pleasant when investigating a murder?" Ciel asked, his head down and focused on his thoughts.

"You're far too modest sir. You misheard me. I would never say you don't look pleasant," Sebastian slyly said making you roll you eyes at his tone.

"This case just makes me a bit uneasy," Ciel explained, finally glancing up to look at both you and Sebastian.

"I'm not surprised," you started taking a moment to glance out the window then back at Ciel. "Something about it feels faux. It almost feels like we're being played. I don't think we have all the information needed for this case." Especially since Ash had come himself to deliver the message from the Queen himself. Whenever he was around there was always bound to be trouble. And just when you were hoping that Ciel would have a chance to rest and not have to worry about any duties from the Queen.

"First we need a better understanding of this situation," Ciel reasoned. "We need to know why Stanley was murdered. Was it simply that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

"Or maybe he was killed because he was working for the Queen," you added, growing lost in thought with how the conversation was going.

"Alright then, how do we go about gathering witnesses?" Sebastian asked

"We'll leave that part to the Yard," Ciel answered, glancing over to look at you. "If you want to know about Rome, you must ask a Roman. We know whose territory the murder was in."

"It was Lau's wasn't it?" You asked, fixing your attention onto Ciel's curiously. "From what I remember you telling me about different territories in London, this area was Lau's." You shifted in your seat, getting comfortable once more in your seat, your gaze swiveling around to look at both Ciel and Sebastian.

"Correct," Sebastian answered. "This is Lau's territory. Now what would be you're next coarse of action young master?"

"We will go visit Lau," was the only thing that Ciel said.

After redirecting Tanaka on where to go, the carriage began its pathway on heading to Lau's underground base. The carriage wheels clacked on the cobblestone street, heading towards Lau's hideout which was located near the docks of London. You were curious on what his hideout looked like. You had never been there, nor had Ciel ever brought you to the hideout, but you could only guess there was a reason to it. The carriage lurched to a stop outside a dark alleyway to which Ciel immediately stepped out, heading up to the building with you at his side. Sebastian walked behind the two of you only coming froward to open the door allowing Ciel and you to head inside. Immediately, your nostrils was filled with a heavy, almost putrescent odor that was deprived from the heavy smoke the coated the room in a hazy. You coughed as you headed further into the building, lifting your hand to cover your nose as if that would help to drive away the smoke. "This place is foul," Ciel noted as you three walked down the middle aisle, passing rows of people in beds smoking.

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