Quiz 1# What kind of greaser are you?

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Rules: Add up which letter you are

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Rules: Add up which letter you are. At the end you will find the results. Good luck!


1. Your friend gets into a fight at the local bar, how do you react?

a. Break a chair over their heads.

b. You'd just cry and beg them to stop!

c. Break it up! then lecture your friend about getting into trouble. 

d. You would already be involved in the fight in the first place.

2. What if you saw a lone soc walking along the street?

a. Taunt them from your car as you drive by. 

b. Run the other way. You don't want to start trouble.  

c. Just keep on driving, you got bigger worries on your mind. 

d. Give them the look. 

3. What does your breakfast look like?

a. Beer mostly, and chocolate cake. 

b. Eggs, bacon and chocolate milk.

c. Eggs and lots of a coffee. 

d. I don't wake up til noon. But when I do, it's a cigarette. 

4. Who would you like to marry?

a. Sodapop. 

b. Johnny Cade. 

c. Buck Merrill. 

d. Tim Shepard. 

5. Where do you spend most of you time?

a. In front of the television.

b. On the roof watching the sunset. 

c. At work or school. 

d. Bars or on the streets. 

6. Which would you most likely to go jail for?

a. Theft. 

b. Protesting. 

c. Fighting. 

d. Murder. 

7. Pick a dialogue piece.

a. No little kids allowed. 

b. Stay gold. 

c. He's just a kid!

d. Man. 

8. If you could pick a side, what would it be?

a. Greaser. 

b. None. 

c. Soc. 

d. Middle ground. 

9. What do you care about most?

a. Things you've stolen. 

b. Happiness. 

c. Health and family. 

d. A special someone. 

10. How often do you shower?

a. Can't remember the last time. 

b. Everyday. 

c. Multiple times a day. 

d. Most days. 


(Mostly A's) The Life of the Party: Seems like you're the centre of attentions, and if you're not you make yours it. People love being around you because of how free spirited and fun you can be. You still know when to be mature and serious. You're just like Steve Randle and Two-bit Mathews! 

(Mostly B's) The Sensitive Soul: You're sensitive and it shows. That isn't a bad things but it could be detrimental depending on the environment around you. All you've ever wanted was to live in harmony with the battles in your head and around you. You're determined to change things one day. You're just like Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis!

(Mostly C's) The Mature: You may be the oldest sibling or even the mom of your friend group. Either way you're quite mature for your age, and work very hard to make a great life for yourself. You're just like Darry Curtis!

(Mostly D's) The Bad Guy: It appears you're the tuff bad boy with those oh-so dreamy bedroom eyes. Although you appear awfully rough and strong on the outside, you have small weaknesses which cause you to crumble under pressure. You live for the dangerous life and often take risks despite warnings from people around you. You're just like Dallas Winston!

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