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48. POV Zhan

When I woke up in the morning, I felt something heavy lying on my back. Then I remembered the last night again and grinned at the memories with red cheeks.

 Then I remembered the last night again and grinned at the memories with red cheeks

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My sister came to Hongkong and we spent some nice hours together. After we hadn't seen each other for years. In the evening we went to a pub near my place and had two beers each.

She talked a lot about the press conference and how impressed she was because Yibo is willing to take such a big step just for me. She was also thrilled that he told everyone how his love began and told everyone that he just wanted his favorite person back in his life. That there was nothing more important for him.

She asked me why I didn't call him immediately. But more than that, I was afraid, I couldn't tell her. Yes, I was afraid. I did not know how to approach him, what to say and if I would be able to say hello without crying.

To be honest, I was also proud of Yibo when he gave the press conference. I was shocked and speechless at first, but I knew right away that he was doing this just for me and wanted to prove to me how seriously he wanted me in his life.

Anyway, my big sister told me that now that Yibo had done this for me, it was time for me to do something big as well. I didn't tell her that I found out what happened between Yibo and his ex manager at the golf club and that I had a very long phone call with the Wen brothers.

I asked the three Wen brothers to have a little chat with this asshole. And after I told them all about him and that he even called me and tried to make me feel guilty and told me to stay away from Yibo. The three of them decided for themselves that it wasn't going to be a friendly conversation.

Even now I can still rely on the brothers. By a "coincidence" I then learned that the ex manager of Yibo is in hospital and for a few weeks or months, he can' t do anything else but lie in bed and think about himself.

With a trick my sister then made me set a foot on the floor in Beijing again after more than three years. She explained to me that our parents are in Beijing and want to see an apartment. But because they don't know anything about it and they don't know how to look for an apartment, they want my help.

So we flew to Beijing where I did some calculations in the plane when I thought about Yibo. His love for me has lasted for 9 years and 5 months. That means he has loved me for 113 months, which is 3441 days or 491 weeks and 4 days, or 82,584 hours. Just wow.

So we landed, got into a cab and drove to the address where supposedly our parents are waiting for us. All the time I wondered why they suddenly wanted to move from their beautiful home in the countryside to the big city? But I thought nothing of it.

Arrived at the address, the door was open downstairs and we went to the elevator and went to the fifth floor. She went to a door, I read the name plate and looked at her with big eyes.

I was about to turn around and leave when she grabbed my ear and said, "If you don't talk to him now, I'm going to post a picture of you in the internet with your name and address and write that you are Wang Yibo's beloved person, but that you' d ...

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I was about to turn around and leave when she grabbed my ear and said, "If you don't talk to him now, I'm going to post a picture of you in the internet with your name and address and write that you are Wang Yibo's beloved person, but that you' d rather make him suffer than talk to him bravely." Then she rang the bell.

Yibo opened the door and my heart almost stopped so nervous I was. But before the whole world knows that I was meant, when Yibo talked about his dearest person in the press conference, I wanted to talk to him. An angry mop from Fan? No thanks!

It had been long overdue and it is true that I had been stalling Yibo for a long time. Me too at the same time. So we talked for a very long time and at the end, I jumped over a cowardly shadow and said yes, to a renewed attempt of a relationship between him and me.

Although I have to say, I think this time it will be different. We have grown up, we' re wiser and stronger. We know now that we need to address problems and not wait. We know now that plans for a future together are better discussed as a couple. And we appreciate each other more.

The next thing we need to work on, is the insecurity of Yibo. Because last night, I almost had a heart attack. Tired and sleep-deprived, I snuck into the bathroom. When I came out, Yibo was standing in front of the door in the dark. He sees me, pulls me into his arms and says, sobbing, "I thought you'd left."

I still don't know how I can take this uncertainty away from him, but maybe I can think of something else.

I still don't know how I can take this uncertainty away from him, but maybe I can think of something else

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Oh yes, he also asked me last night what we should do when my ten days' holiday is over. He said he didn't want us to be apart for even one more day. And I told him I had to go back because of my work and I like doing it.

So we talked about it and we agreed that Yibo would come with me. "No matter where you go, I'm coming with you." He said to me.

So we'll live together in my apartment in Hongkong. "But only until I find a house for us. Okay?" Yibo didn't even ask me if I wanted to do this. For him this plan has been fixed for years and I have nothing against it. On the contrary, it is still my dream to watch the goings-on of the younger generation in front of the house in a rocking chair at an advanced age. Only one thing changed in my dream. I will be together with Yibo and we will watch the goings-on of the young people together.

Oh yes, and even last night Yibo changed his relationship status in the social networks and social media, from single to in a relationship❤️ . He wrote "I finally have my beloved person back, happy, proud and grateful. I love you, my dear."

I would have loved to have written something on it, but I decided not to do so. However, I also changed my relationship status to, in a relationship❤️ and wrote "After one kiss! I love you and I'm grateful that you're back in my life."


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After one Kiss! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now