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(wow within 24 hours, we reached chapter 18!)

Today is Saturday, it's afternoon and I'm about to make my way to Hai Kuan to give him his private art lessons and cook together and maybe talk or watch a movie later.

But to be honest, I'm really not in the mood for that. Right now I'm just really angry about Yibo. Since I finally realized yesterday that he was playing hide-and-seek with me all the time and he's Bob, I can't stop being angry at him.

I think I've really fallen in love with a man. A man I knew as Bob, but who is none other than Wang Yibo. Who kept me ignorant of his true identity for whatever reason.

Well, I know now it was Wang Yibo who kissed me. The first man who kissed me. And I know from his stories that he never wanted to stay away from me any longer, but that it was due to his work.

But why, when he already started talking about it, didn't he just admit that he was Bob? Why did he continue to play his little game? Why did he give all those little hints instead of just telling me honestly who he is?

Why didn't he make himself known before? I mean, all the pictures of the common activities in the dormitory clearly prove that he has always been near me. And he was so damn close to me.

I have to find out about this thing. I have to get to the bottom of this. But I don't have time for that today. Because if I had the time, I would sit in my car, drive to him and confront him.

Sure, I'll go there anyway, but not because of him. I'm going there for Hai Kuan. And somehow I have this weird feeling about him. Because when I think about the bell signs, I already suspect something.

But I don't want to think about it yet. After all, there are many Wang's in China! So I don't want to be too hasty.

On the way to Hai Kuan, I stopped at Peng Chuyue and talked a little bit with him about the old times. And he told me he knew that Yibo was always around me, but that he never cared about that.

"Many people tried to get close to you back then. But hardly anyone got a chance with you. Most of the time, you had this tunnel vision and you didn't see everything around you."

"That explains a lot. But still, I don't understand how I could have missed something like this."

"Well, I don't understand it either. But I wasn't much better than you then. But I noticed about Yibo. He's just someone who sticks out."

"You're absolutely right. He looks exactly the same as he did then. I still find it strange that I didn't notice him."

"How could you have noticed him? Your nose was always in some books. Or you were too busy studying."

At that time I really worked hard for my studies. My parents paid a lot of money for it and I wanted to thank them with my good grades. Besides, I have always liked to read and whenever I got a book in my hands that I did not know yet, I had to read it.

It's true, I had really a tunnel vision when I started my studies. I wanted to be a good student and not be distracted by anything or anyone.

That's exactly why I waited with the dating until I finished my studies. I just wanted to have nothing in my life that would distract me from my goals.

Besides, at that time I was already working alongside my studies. I was working for a photographer and I enjoyed the work a lot and was very busy with it.

After that, starting in my third year at university, I worked for a graphic designer and I was also fully absorbed in my work there. I was not interested in other things. Studying, working and my good friends, I didn't had more interests.

After one Kiss! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now