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It's been three weeks since Bob suddenly kissed me. And even though he said he'd only been away for two weeks, he still hasn't come back. Or maybe he's already back and just doesn't want to see me. In either case, I don't know.

Yue and I have decided to take a break from our relationship. At the very latest, when she simply made an appointment for me to look at the room in the shared flat, I decided I need time to find out if I still love her and want to stay with her.

At first I thought she would get mad, but she just took the break in the relationship and told me to contact me if I knew if I still loved her.

That at least gave me a little space, so that I could finally start to think about myself and how I should go on in the future.

The appointment to visit the room I at least wanted to keep and I went there. But the other tenant of this flat did not know anything and sent me away again without having achieved anything. What did he say again? "What are you doing here again? Get a room in your price range." Yes, I believe those were his exact words.

I don't know what kind of game those two assholes are trying to play with me, but Wang Yibo and his dumb friend better not talk to me anymore. How can this fucking asshole make an appointment for a viewing and then not even inform his roommate? Or was Wang Yibo sitting in the corner somewhere having a good laugh?

I finally got a new delivery van last night Perfect, because now that the winter is here, and it announced itself with snow, I'm glad that I don't have to pull a heavy cart behind me anymore.

And besides, my friend Bob doesn't seem to want to see me anymore either. So I don't have to wait for him anymore and freeze my ass off. I still keep an eye out for him, but so far I haven't seen him.

Somehow I miss him a lot. But maybe it's better if we don't see each other anymore. I mean, he's obviously into men and I'm not. Anyway, I don't think I like men. I can't tell that from just one kiss.

I just think it's a pity, because I saw in him a new friend who kept me company at night when I was alone and with whom I got along well.

It's a pity about friendship, but that's the way it is. And since I know nothing about him, well, almost nothing, I can't even look for him. We haven't even exchanged our phone numbers.

Maybe he just wanted to see how long it would take him to gain my trust and see how far he could go. Maybe, but I can't be sure.

I admit it also that makes me angry that he kissed me and then just ran away and hasn't been seen or heard from since. It also makes me mad not knowing what his real name is. Anyway, I would have liked to know that, after all he was the first man who kissed me.

I drive from entrance to entrance and drop the daily paper in the mailboxes. Now that I have a delivery van again, it means I have more newspapers to deliver. And more newspapers means more money.

The best thing is to concentrate only on myself and forget Bob very quickly and especially the kiss. This had me so confused that I even called my sister and talked to her about it.

She told me to stay calm. Then she explained to me the following "There are only two possible answers. Either you like men or maybe both. Or it meant nothing. A little confusion, that's all." I chose the latter.

Especially since I couldn't test it any further and I'm certainly not looking for anyone to try it out. It was a confusion and nothing more! It is as simple as that!

And if I should meet this Bob again, I will tell him the same. I will tell him that I am not into men and he should not get his hopes up for me." He should find someone like him who likes men.

I just delivered the last of the newspapers to my last entrance, I'm going to bring the delivery van back and then I'm heading home, maybe get another two hours of sleep, shower, breakfast and then to the museum where I work my shift, then to the stationery shop and work there for another three hours and then, then I'm going home and then finally I have ten days off.

After working for over a year, I finally have holidays and I will enjoy them to the fullest. And maybe I will also go to my parents in the countryside for a few days. Maybe I can relax a little there and just switch off completely for a few days.

And maybe after that I will know what to do with me and Yue. I think I already know it, but I will use the time to be sure. At least I hope so.

My parents would definitely be happy if I would part with Yue, because they never liked her. I don't know if it was because of her background that she grew up as a rich spoiled girl. Or simply because she always refused my parents' food because she was afraid it would be too rich in calories.

Arriving at the museum, Bai Shu explained to me that we were once again expecting several classes of schoolchildren. "Very great. Best you leave me out of this. I really don't feel like dealing with children and teachers today. I have some new pieces to catalogue."

The director had already told me yesterday that I should do it, but I didn't manage to do it, so I have to do it today. Before that old fart has a reason to yell at me again.

And my verbal warning hasn't expired yet. So I guess I should submit and do whatever the director says.

Just as I'm about to start, the director calls me and tells me to drop everything. I would have to accompany him. A businessman has a large collection of found objects that he wants to have catalogued and some of them he plans to donate to the museum. And because this is supposed to be a lot, I have to go along. Poor me! 

 Poor me! 

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After one Kiss! [YiZhan FF]✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum