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In the first one or two seconds, I was petrified by the action of Yibo. But in the next moment, my lips gave way to his. Just like that. And as we kissed, the elevator brought us down. But neither of us got off.

The elevator doors opened and Yibo whispered in my ear. "Please, don't go yet. Stay with me a moment longer."

My knees were so soft that even if I had wanted to, I could not have walked away. And in the next moment the doors closed again and Yibo pressed the button with the number 4.

He hasn't let go of me for a second since he got into the elevator and wrapped his arms around me. Only when we arrived on his floor did he take me by the hand and lead me to his apartment.

"What are we doing here? Weren't you about to leave?"

"Yes, I was going to go find someone."

"And who?"

"You Zhan."


"Because you haven't answered my messages all day and I was worried. I thought you were still mad at me."

"What? You wrote to me?"

I laboriously pulled out my phone with my left hand and checked it. And indeed, I had received six new messages from Yibo. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was working and my sound was off."

"You worked here in the house again?"

We entered his apartment and he took me straight to his room. He pushed me into his room and closed the door behind him. I should be panicking and screaming at him to let me out of here. But I did not!

"Yeah, and you won't believe who."

"With whom?" He wants to know about me, and he looks at me with a distraught look. What is that look? Why is he looking at me like he expects something really bad to happen?

"Uh, Hai Kuan."

"With my brother? What kind of class is this? How long were you there? Did you have more than lessons?"

"Well, actually, your brother and I are friends. But at the same time, I teach him privately in art. And somehow cooking. And we watched two really boring movies."

He looks at me with an angry look and stands right in front of me. I can really feel his anger. Just like dogs are able to feel the energy of humans. So I can also feel the energy of Yibo and it is not good.

"What else has happened?" The tone in which he asked me this sounded angry and sharp. But why am I still calm?

"I fell asleep while we were watching the second film." I'm not sure if it would be a good idea to tell him that his brother tried to kiss me and just confessed to me that he has feelings for me.

At the same time, I find the idea of hiding something like that for Yibo completely off the mark. Why do I feel like I almost cheated on him?

"Zhan, tell me the truth!" Says he demands, like he can read my mind.

"Okay, okay. He tried to kiss me and confess that he likes me." It's out, God help me.

"He kissed you?" Yibo asks me and sits on his bed. His eyes are on the floor. "And you like him too, don't you?"

I sigh softly and shake my head. "No, not in the way he likes me. I only like him as a friend. Nothing more."

"But you were kissing and we just kissed."

"Wrong, he kissed me and I pushed him away. I did not kiss him back. As soon as I realized what he was doing, I stopped him."

"Didn't you like that kiss?"

After one Kiss! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now