It Begun

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When England entered Italy's mind once again he expected it to be the same as last time but it wasn't. The whole difference was he wasn't seeing his memories instead he saw him kneel down on his knees crying. He wondered at this point if it was part of the past as well showing a small fragment of it to him. However, when Italy faced up he stopped crying for a moment as if realizing someone else was there as well, the small gasp of surprise was enough to indicate that.

"E-England?!" He quickly hurried to clean his tears and got up slowly coming up to him. "What are you doing here? As a matter of fact, what even is here?" He said while turning to look around him as if he just noticed his surroundings. There was really nothing to see but pure darkness, and the small circle of light shining on them was really the only 'light' for them in the moment.

England grabbed Italy by his shoulders as soon as he come near. "Tell me, what do you remember doing last?"  He shook him for a bit. At this point he was getting half impatient, with what he had seen last of his memories it gave him more questions than answers and at this point he didn't know if he could wait until everyone got together for Italy to say what he wanted to say. "What is your last memory?"

The Italian blinked for a moment seemingly trying hard to remember but shook his head. "I-I remember going to a field with Germany because we went to visit Japan's place and then......then.." He bit his lip lightly trying but failing to remember.

England growled for a moment. 

Oh bloody hell, he doesn't remember anything before this whole mess started. If he doesn't remember then we will never know what he was trying to tell us.

"Nothing? Not even of a package that Germany found in the field?" He questioned. He was informed by Japan and Germany of what had occurred and what lead to Italy wanting to meet them all for a meeting all of a sudden. He had to admit it come to a sudden surprise to him, the Italian almost never calling for a meeting and the first one he does call for one is about something he doesn't even know about. He hated to be in the dark about things like this. 

"I don't know what your talking about?" When England looked into Italy eyes he instantly knew he wasn't lying. The confusion in his brown golden eyes was enough to prove him that. "And you didn't answered my question, where even are we? Aren't we in Japan's place still?"

England sighed in tiredness pinching the bridge of his nose. "No, unfortunately, we are not. If you must know we are inside your head"

"What?! How?!" 

"I don't know, but I have a strong feeling we were brought here by force. By the way, why were you crying?"

"Hmm? I was?"

"You were, just before I co-"

England froze. It wasn't like he wanted to it was more on pure instinct. Both his body, mind and soul remembering what he saw in Italy's memory. When he saw that thing smiling before Italy in the pure pleasure of seeing him merciarable on the ground while crying out the deaths of his friends. The deaths of which he was sure he had seen many times but still, he never got used to the sight of their bodies on the ground, bloody and scratched and beaten down. All while Italy was the only one surviving.

"HeLlo My PetS..." The creature spoke as he grinned from behind Italy. 

England having somehow the strength, pulled Italy behind him and stepped a few steps back, his hands reflexively making a gesture to make a protection spell but froze midway remembering he couldn't. So, all he could do was glare at the grey alien creature at his deep black round eyes.

"YouR ThE SAmE aS BeFOrE I SeE" The creature laughed a corrupted and sinnerter laugh, his body visibly shaking from the ramble inmanading from his seemly 'body'. "oH I WiLL EnJOy MySelF WiTh tHe JoYS oF HopELeSSnEss" The creature then stretched out a hand seemingly aiming to grab Italy but England smacked it away.

The Englishman turned to look behind him to make sure the Italian wasn't having some sort of panic attack but what he saw was something he had once again seen before. Italy instead of being in his scared state as usual was smiling at him, his eyes, though, weren't. They were hollow, like they had lost the bit of life they had in them and that send England a shiver down his spine. Grinding his teeth he grabbed Italy by the hand and started to run, run anywhere but being close to that thing. While he did, he could clearly hear the laughter echoing from around and close behind, they were running but he felt like they weren't going anywhere.

"YeS! RuN My SheEPs. ThE MOrE YoU dO, ThE MorE FUN It wiLL bE!!"

England hated running from danger because of his old habit of beating down anything that come across him but he knew the moment he didn't they wouldn't have been harmed physically but mentally and he knew the consequences to that, there was a high possibility they wouldn't ever wake up, at least for a very, very long time.

The echo of the laughter finally fading away England halted to a stop, both of them huffing for air. "That...should be....enough space........far from that.....thing" Huffing again he looked at Italy once more. "What the hell was all that about?!" He gripped Italy again by the shoulders, his grip tight enough to maybe leave a bruise but at the moment he was angry, the reason, though, was unknown to him. "Why were you smiling like that? You do remember don't you? Why the hell is that creature inside your head? Why is he-"

"I did it again"


"You're mad at me"

"What are you babbling on about?" England at this point was ready to give up.

 "You're right, this is all my fault, if I hadn't said anything then this whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place. All of you wouldn't have suffered as much as you did. I couldn't even save one of you, instead you guys were the ones saving me....... A worthless Nation that doesn't even deserve to be a country. What good am I if all I do is run away while everyone else stays behind and risks their lives? And for what? A good-for-nothing no-good bastard"  And in that he slowly closed his eyes his body slumped over like it had gone out of commision.

"H-Hey Italy! Don't you dare sleep on me! Italy!" And with that Italy fell to the floor. England quickly grabbed him again and turned him over when he did he saw blood tears running down his cheeks. "W-What?"

"DiD YoU HavE EnOugH ExeRCisE mY peTS?"

Not even having to look back England knew the creature was behind him.

"CoMe, LEt tHe gAmEs BegIN"

And everything went black once again.


Immunity- Immunitatem (Latin) 

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