Secrets and Impossibilities

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Enjoy my peeps! Comment down ehat you think, dont be afraid to express ur opinions as long as it's appropriate! This is a safe environment for everyone! So onwords to the story!! 💙🕶

Everything was quiet when Italy opened his eyes. The light of the sun shining down on his amber light golden brown eyes as he opened them to take a better look around. When he tried to move, however, he couldn't and he soon realized why, a strong arm was draped on top of him from behind. He didn't move for a moment enjoying the comfort the arm surrounding him provided. The comfort he had longed for a long a time. A comfort that was always ripped away from him and always had to work for it to get it back. Lie after lie after lie, it was something he had gotten used to over the period of time.

His eyes sadden for a moment, remembering what he had gone through always made him miserable from the inside but it soon lighten up when remembering he would soon be able to take it all out and share it with the rest of his friends. And for him it was a victory all on its on. No more repeating time loops and this time he would make sure the journal would stay locked up somewhere where nobody would have to suffer like he did. In order to do that he would have to explain everything clearly to England and hope that in some way he could find some kind of seal where it would never be opened and that way the curse would end. But he knew it wouldn't be that easy.

It was easy in his mind but he knew it wouldn't be that quick in reality. A reality in which he still questioned  even after this past few days no matter how many time he had pinched himself when no one was looking. He still questioned everything.

"You have that sad look in your eyes, again" 

Italy's body jolted from surprise, his shocked amber brown eyes clashing with the calm, icy blue eyes of Germany. His eyes filled with sadness as well.

Italy looked down in shame. His bottom lip trembling for a bit. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was making a sad face. I was just......thinking....." He slowly said. He knew Germany tried his best to make him feel better in some way, he even had brought him flowers that represented his country and art material, in a way it made him feel selfish something he didn't like feeling.

He sighed in tiredness. "This is the last time of me looking sad, I promise" Italy brought his hand and rubbed it against his cheek in which he leaned on to. Germany had always liked how Italy's hands felt. They always felt like soft petals of a fresh flower, a flower in which never felt raw even when it was put in a fire to burn but was out of it without a scratch, it was how Germany saw Italy. 

Germany most often questioned himself if it was even alright to be near him. Even if most people saw Italy as the type to run off during a training or a fight he knew deep inside he would put up a good fight, especially if it meant to fight for his people and land. Given from what he had seen lately he knows he had gone through something even from someone that had gone through battle and war and that couldn't relate. They weren't one in the same.

"Don't try hard for me. Do that for yourself, put yourself first then everyone for once. I know that it must be a struggle keeping yourself straight and I can understand to a certain point but know that whatever you have to say to us we'll understand you and we'll try our best to figure something out about the package. I know that you want to get rib of it, that thing containing bad memories for you. I..." Germany ran out of words to say. He wanted to say he was sorry for bringing in that package, but he knew that wouldn't be enough for apologizing for it. He couldn't have known.

Italy nodded as if already knowing what he wanted to say. "It's alright, Germany you couldn't have possibly have know something like this would have happen, that thing bringing in memories I don't want to knowledge, the experiences. As long as I have you and Japan by my side I'll pull through" He leaned his forehead against Germany's having their own little moment once again.

He liked this. He would give anything to have more moments like this with him. Just the two of them talking and sorting out their feelings, not hiding what they felt.

They both pulled apart after a while neither not really wanting to pull from each other the feeling of loneliness settling in right after, even when were right in front of each other.

Turning to check the time Germany almost couldn't believe it was close to being four in the afternoon, even after he had rubbed them three times. "Is it that late already?" He questioned himself making Italy turn and see the time himself.

Italy couldn't help but smile at the reaction Germany was making. The face of pure disbelief and confusion written all over his face. "Germany, you look like you have never woken up this late before. And," He rubes his cheek once again against his hand, Germany leaning into it. "It's alright to let yourself go for a bit. I know for a fact you wake up and train yourself everyday to be in shape but it's also okay to let yourself open. Open for me, for Kiku, for your brother, for us"

"You know what happened when I did that, Italy. I do this to keep you and everyone I care for save. I know you can defend yourself when the time is needed but I...."

"Shh..... It's okay, I know. You don't have to force yourself on saying it"

And so, he didn't. Germany let himself be cradled by the hands of the Italian. Letting his body, mind, soul and even his heart settle down, not really having the memory of ever being this relaxed before in his life, not even when his brother or his Boss had told him to take a vacation, he had always found a way to keep his mind and body preoccupied with work and training. And he would never admit it to anyone but he had always found it hard to find something that was 'fun' for him. Although, admitting it was out of the question, he was pretty sure anyone could have figure that out in seconds if not right away. And he hated that. 

He hated that he could sometime be read so easily like a book, but then not.

They both parted after a while Germany not really wanting to, feeling his whole body going cold where Italy's hands used to be.

"Let's go and eat something, I bet your hungry. I'll cook for us today" Italy said as he when to the edge of the bed but before he stood up he turned towards him again. "Germany, can I ask you a question?" Germany hummed in response and nodded signaling to go right ahead. "If you ever had a decision to make like say choosing between me and Japan, who would you rather safe?"

Germany was caught off guard. He knew Italy would ask a question but not this type of question. One that involved choosing between his friend's' life. He rubbed his neck and looked towards the window, a distant look in his icy blue sky eyes and said in the most modest voice ever possible that he could make. "Well, I would rather choose to die first, sacrifice myself for you two first then to let both you be harmed, especially you. I would rather you two be safe if that's the answer you're looking for" He turned towards Italy to find him with a look of surprisement written all over his face, a look that surprisingly he rarely saw on the Italian, except when he had first found him during WWII in that tomatoe wooden box. 

Soon though that expression disappeared almost questioning himself if he really did see it. "Was it that surprising of what I said?" He questioned.

Italy quickly shook his head. "No! It wasn't, it was just..... Well let's say it was kinda of something that I expected but I didn't expect for you to have worded out like that. You know sacrificing yourself for us. But then again I shouldn't be this shock, huh?" He said more to himself then to the german next to him who was now looking at the floor. He couldn't say what he wanted to say in that moment, he just couldn't.

It was just to risky, so instead of asking the burden question he had had in his head for a while now he said "I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen" Italy nodded as he went to his bathroom to change and take a shower but turned towards Germany and said.

"I promise to take care of them and draw something for you" He then closed the door slowly leaving a wondering and heartbroken Germany behind. The bad thing though was, he didn't notice.

"You're not the only one keeping secrets, Italy" He then stood up as well to change for the day. His hands and body not really looking forward for the day to come.

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