New Arrivals

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When the next day arrived Germany and Italy were still asleep, their bodies out cold. Neither of them noticed when Prussia gently opened the door to Italy's room and peeked inside. A small smile appeared in his face as he saw them cuddle in the bed, both having unconsciously had wrapped their hands together during their sleep, a protective arm around Italy.

"Rest you two" He whispered and closed the door slowly as to not make any noise.

Prussia walked to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. Some freshly brewed coffee and scrambled eggs with sausages and toasted bread with chocolate on top. During the middle of his breakfast Japan walked in, scratching his eyes as a sign he had just woken up, but had on casual clothes.

"Good morning, Mr.Prussia. I hope you had slept well?" He said as he put a kettle with water and let it boiled and turned toward Prussia, taking a seat from across. "I hope your first night here wasn't uncomfortable"

Prussia took a moment to answer as he swallowed his food and taking a small seep of his coffee. "It was nice, pleasant, I had the bed all to myself. Maybe I should consider moving West's stuff over to Italy's room" He chuckled as he saw Japan's eyes widen for a bit and then turning into a questioning look.

"Into Italy's?"

"Let's just say things happen for a reason" He looked down into his coffee as if it knew what he was talking about. "And some from a cause" He smiled sadly but then disappeared as if it never happened, leaving Japan to wonder if he had imagined it. 

They were both silent as Prussia finished his dish. The kettle now silent by the lack of heat underneath it missing. As Prussia washed his dishes the phone ranged from the living room and Japan went to answer it.

Before he said anything, a loud and energetic voice was heard.

"Yo, dude!"

Japan had to retreat the phone away from his ear as America's voice ringed out loud. He took a moment to prepare his ear as he retreated back. "Hello America,"

"Yo, Japan. I was wondering if you can maybe pick us up from the airport? The plane I had reserved for my car is a bit late and it won't arrive until a few more days"

"Sure. What airport?" America then proceeded to name the airport. "I will be there in five to ten minutes. And a quick question, who is there with you?"

"Oh, its Canada, England and France" There was a few yells here in there in part of Britain and France in the far distance. "And can you maybe hurry? I have no idea how much longer me and Mattie can hold them. People are already judging us. Hey! Sto-" And then the line went dead.

Japan then quickly went to put his shoes. Prussia appearing from behind him a questioning look in his eyes, an eyebrow arc up.

"Who was that on the phone?"

Japan turned to look at him for a moment and then back to what he was doing "America, Canada, Britain and France. They are all at the airport and called for a ride here" He turned back towards Prussia "I'll be gone for a few, please take care of the house" He grabbed the keys to his car and left, locking the door from behind.

Prussia shrugged and went to his and his brother's room to see what he could do in the mean time. In the end he found a puzzle game that was in his brother's bag and decided to give it a try. He was really invested into it he didn't noticed when Japan had returned. It wasn't until the loud yells from the living room that he noticed more than an hour had passed since Japan had been gone.

He slowly but painfully got up from the floor of the room and stretch his muscles making an awful pop in their awake and walked out to greet the others.

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