Brother and Friend to Eat With

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America and the three other nations soon made comfort in the two rooms Japan lend them. One with France and Britain and the other America and Canada. The two brothers not minding at all, they were planning on wanting to spend some time together sooner or later, but not having the time needed because of political work and paperwork as well. Although they were a bit worried about the elder nations who come with them.

"Hey, Mattie! Want to try out the food from here? Last time I come it was delicious. Want to come?" America peeked from outside the room. He had went out to check out the place for a bit and coming back with hunger. Japan having left the place saying something about his boss calling him for a small emergency, leaving the place in the hands of Canada.

Japan believing Canada was the most responsible out everyone here; saved by Germany except he was still resting and found the little brother was the one who would leave him with no worries.

Canada looked up from his book, his head and body leaning against the wall,and laying against the bed. His eyes with an questioning look. "Your hungry, again?" He asked.

America made a silly face an angry like expression appearing for a bit then disappearing, now in it's place a smirking like grin.

"Hey, Canada" He singed songed. His hands behind him. "Want to do something fun?"

Canada looked from his book to his brother, a questioning look still in his eyes.

"What kind of fun?"

"Oh you know. The 'old' fun"

Canada grunted.

"Not this again. Wasn't it enough to letting you knock out France and England out and then marking their faces with marker and putting it in social media?" He wondered.

America rolled his eyes. "Yes but that was just the peek of the ice berk, my dear brother" he grinned the type of grin when he was thinking of doing trouble. And also the type when he wanted to involve him in it.

"Oh no!" Canada shrieked. "I know that grin anywhere and I am not helping you out this time" Canada scooted away from his brother.

America's grin only got bigger as he got closer to his twin. "Oh come on! I know you want to!" he sued. Canada shook his head.

"My answer is a no and that's a final. Besides Japan asked me to look over his house while he is away. Your just taking advantage of this because am in charge and because am your brother" He said as he went to his bag putting away his book, looking for his phone and grabbing some money. He was sure his brother would forget of whatever he was thinking with some food. He did said he was hungry. "How about that food you wanted earlier?" He shook his wallet. "My invite"

America punted like a small child but smiled nonetheless. "If your thinking food will make me forget what I was thinking you are totally wrong!" He said as he went after his brother. "Wait," He paused after a moment of hesitation. "What about Italy and Germany and his brother? Prussia? Didn't Japan said not to leave them alone? Especially Prussia? Because he would destroy the house or something like that?"

Running steps could be heard as soon as America was done talking and a shocked looking Prussia popped out of the kitchen. "WHAT?!" He yelled. "Destroy the house?!" he grabbed his uniform where his heart is. "Japan, you wounded me." He said in a dramatic manner. "How can I do that when my brother and my angel are inside?"

"Oh. Right" They both said in union.

"I felt like that was an insult" Prussia said as he looked at the twins.

"It wasn't" They both said in union again.

Prussia gruff.

"Are you two going out somewhere?" Prussia said changing the subject.

They both nodded. "Eat" They said in union once again.

"I swear you two seem to be making fun of me" he muttered.

"No, why?" They said.

"See? There you guys go again!"


Canada and America both looked at each other but with different expressions.

America grinning like an idiot and Canada with a look of realization.

"Damm" Canada cursed.

"YES!" America cheered.

"You're the very devil himself"

"Am just that good" America pride.

Prussia just looked confused and shook his head. "Twins" He muttered.

"So that was your little game" Canada said as he glared at his brother. Feeling like an idiot for not knowing he was going to play that type of game. "You did this for getting back at me and Prussia"

America stuck out his tongue.

Canada only shook his head in pure disbelief. "Anyways, Prussia want to come and eat with us? I have a feeling Japan will take a long while before his back and since we three don't know how to use his ingredients why not decide to leave the house unharmed?" After he said that he quickly shut his mouth and started to apologize to Prussia."I'm so, so sorry Prussia I didn't mean it that way!" He quickly replied.

Prussia only chuckled as he saw Canada apologizing over and over again. "Nein it's fine Birdie" He smiled. "That was meant for your brother wasn't it?" America only looked at him like he was about to punch him so instead he stood right next Canada, feeling he would feel safer with him by his side. "Anyways, about that food?" He asked.

"R-right.." Canada answered nervously.

"Who invited you?" America said as he stepped a foot towards him. His hands on his tights. "I thought it was only Mattie and me who was going and no one else"

"Al, don't" Canada warningly said. He a put a hand on one of America's shoulders causing him to flinch and turned towards his little sibling. "Okay, fine" He marched towards the door opening it for his brother and Prussia. "Hurry before I change my mind" He said as Canada and Prussia walked past him, Prussia taking his tongue out in a silly matter making sure the boy next to him didn't see it.

America in turned did the same.

And the three of them were off to a place to enjoy each other's company and in which may be their last in a long while.

Okay so here it is! Hope you guys liked it and happy late New Year. Wow i cant believe 6 months since i started this story.......... Welp i hope you enjoyed the happiness of this in which it may be the last............or will it be?? Ohh i got so much planned ( ͡°з ͡°)


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