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When England opened his eyes he was met with a pair of blue ones right away seating beside his bedside. France quickly getting up and swarming him with questions asking if he was alright or if he needed anything like a glass of water or something to eat.

"My head is pounding frog" He quietly said as he looked towards the Frenchman, his eyes tired and bloodshot making him seem he was crying. France backed off and sat back down. England rubbed his eyes and face and looked around to find himself back in their room.

"What happened?" He turned towards France who was fiddling with his fingers. A look of worry laced in his blue eyes. They were almost the same eyes of America but his were more ancient looking, the eyes that told he had seen countless battles and wars. A country who had seen his own people battle against itself. And one who had seen his loved one be killed for a reason that wasn't really true. He himself still hadn't really forgive himself for causing that. "Why am I in bed? Why was I unconsciousness?" He murmured as he tried to get out of bed but France stopped him before he could even get on his feet. "Now I can't even go to the restroom?" He sarcastically said as he raised an eyebrow. He knew this wasn't a time to joke around he just didn't like the worried look France was giving him. It reminded him back in the old days whenever he would have a war and he was still too little to understand what really was going on. France would sometimes stay around and make sure he was doing alright even if he complain to him he was doing okay. He will never admit it to him but he was in a way glad he stuck around, even if he was always a pain in the neck to him both of them knowing it was all just a play game. A twisted way of showing each other's care.

France only hesitated when England had asked that question he only meant well. "Just call me when you need anything I'll be waiting right here" And begun to fiddle once again with his fingers. He didn't have anything else to do with himself except to stare off into the distance it was already enough worrying about the Englishman and the Italian who hasn't woken up yet.

When England come out of the restroom he stretched his arms and back stopping only when he heard the satisfying sounds of them popping he sighed in relief. He went to seat once again on the bed, his face facing the Frenchman in front of him. "Tell me, what happened? I need to know" If he was being all honest he was afraid of his answer. He was acting all controlled but in the end he wasn't, his mind all over the place. "How long was I asleep for?"

France hesitated for a bit not really sure if answering the British now will be a good idea. "Well..." He started. When he looked back at England again he saw the look of a frightened kid all over again a kid who was starting to put on a brave face. It reminded him of time left behind. "The answer for the second question is, you were sleep for two days but," He hushed the Englishman before he could say anything. "You weren't the only one who had suddenly fallen sleep. It seems Italy did as well"

When England heard this he turned around to face France, a look of confusion and shock in his forest green eyes. "What do you mean suddenly fell asleep as well? You mean he fell unconscious the moment I did? At the same time?" When France nodded England looked for a bit at the floor, his mind all over the place with this information, his head hurting at just the mere thought of it all. "Where is he now?"

"In the next room over, Germany had stayed with him since he well asleep. He hasn't really moved much from his spot since then" France talked as he followed England out of the room but before England could even touch the door knob he spin England around to face him. "And one more thing you should know, before you both went unconscious you started screaming and yelling. And for a moment your eyes went black even than the night and your grip on his hand was tight enough you didn't want to let him go even when you fallen into slumber. It was tight enough it left a mark around his hand" 

England in that moment wanted to hit something so badly. The reason for that was unclear to him. Perhaps maybe because he had done harm to another nation unintentionally and without his knowing, or maybe it was about the fact that he should have known in someway while he was inside that small memory lane, his body from the outside was going to do something on its own.

He sighed in tiredness. He thought it was going to be a gathering of Nations with a not really serious reason to come but atlas he thought wrong once again. This meeting of Italy telling them something was something more complicated than he thought. And it really bothered him. "Damn it all!" He cursed at the air. At this point he didn't know what was going on anymore. The dream lingering in his mind making him more confused than ever.

Does the dream I had have something to do with this? Did the dream cause all this? But why? Why did it show me such a horrible thing to me? Does Italy's dream have something to do with what he wanted to tell us? If so, why wait this long to tell us all? Since how long?

All this questions and yet no answers. England hated having all this things lingering in his mind with no puzzle piece partner to go with it. Without his mind registering what was happening he turned back around and opened the door. Inside the room England's eyes went right away to the bed instantly, Germany was laying beside the the bed, his upper half body laying against the sleeping Italian, his head against his arm and his lower half seating in a chair. England could already tell it was a painful position by how he was positioned. England almost didn't recognize the German by his tired eyes, his blond hair not in his usual style, the personified country all worn out. Not at all himself.

He didn't turn to look at him when he stood beside him, not even flinching when England softly touched Italy's brown hair, at the same time being careful of his curl. To England it seemed he was sleeping peacefully but he knew he wasn't. And soon enough he knew when not long after a few seconds later, he was in the memory lane once again.

"Am coming for you Italy. Don't worry" Without really knowing how he knew this was going to happen, he walked on. He knew Italy was going to be somewhere in the abyss, waiting for someone to come. And he will make sure he did exactly that.

Hello my fellow Hetalians 😁 hope you all liked the chapter there is more on the works! And wanted to say as well Happy Mother's Day dont forget to give a hug to the women who gave you the life and if one u dont have here in this day dont foeget she is always by your side 💖❤💙 welp that is all i ll see you all in the next 😜

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