Keith’s expression says duh plainly. He huffs. “We could just go in there, guns blazing. We might take them by surprise.”

Lance blinks at him incredulously. “Really? That’s your plan?”

Keith shrugs and opens his mouth to respond, only to be drowned out by various battle-cries across the room and Coran’s voice shouting cheerily, “Pidge and Hunk are out!”

Lance groans and claps a hand over his eyes. “We’re so screwed.”

Feeling Keith shift next to him, Lance looks over to see an insistent hand on his shoulder. “Look,” Keith says. “There’s only two of them now, and it’s Shiro and Allura. That’s practically the Think Before You Act command center. They won’t be expecting it if we rush them.”

It’s against Lance’s better judgement -- he hates to follow Keith’s lead -- but his gaze is pinned to the fingers clamped around the line of his shoulders, and without thinking about it, he mumbles uncertainly, “Uh. I guess?”

Even Keith seems stunned for a moment, eyes widening almost imperceptibly – but then he’s back into easy confidence. His mouth quirks. “Good.”

Lance regards him seriously, and clamps a hand around Keith’s arm – which is surprisingly toned, what the fuck, why is he always trying to one-up Lance – and says, “It’s been an honor serving with you. Godspeed.”

And in some kind of miracle of God, Keith actually smiles at him, almost fond, before nodding roughly.

Lance counts to three on his fingers, and they charge.

Shiro and Allura positively slaughter them; Lance is forced to take one of the longest showers of his life trying to clean all the space goo, but somehow, it still feels like a victory to him.


Lance has this habit of noticing things really, really late. Like when Pidge came out as a girl, and then a maybe not-so girl later, and everyone – even Keith – just smiled and nodded their heads like they knew the whole time, while Lance’s mouth caught flies and his eyes bugged out. He doesn’t feel like it’s indicative of his intelligence or anything; he’s just a go with the flow kind of guy. Things slip by him when they seem to fit with his natural order of things.

That being said, it’s not until one morning, vision still blurry with sleep and eye mask pushed lazily into his hair, that he comes to the shocking realization that he and Keith are friends. Like, he was probably going to hang out with him today like he does with Hunk and Pidge, kind of friends. And the realization is so earth-shattering, so groundbreaking that there’s only one thing he can do.

Pidge,” he whines, fist pounding on the door. “Don’t pretend like you’re not awake. You can’t fool me. I know you don’t sleep.”

The door slides open, released in an ominous whoosh of air, and Lance is left staring down at an extremely disgruntled-looking Pidge, bedhead in full force and pajamas hanging off of them loosely.

“Lance,” they say, and their tone is disconcertingly even. A light reflection slicks the surface of their glasses and obscures their irises, and Lance is suddenly unsure about this idea. “Why are you banging on my door this early on our one day off of training?”

If he wasn’t so worked up about his morning discovery, Lance might find it in himself to be bashful for once in his life. Instead, he splays his hands expressively on either side of the doorway and spits, “Keith and I are friends.”

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