"I KNOW YOUR BETTER THAN THIS!" Jason yelled back, voice cracking.



"I-!" She stopped the hate, anger, and frustration written on her face and in her eyes vanished and became one of confusion and uncertainty for a brief moment before shaking her head. "STOP IT! STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEAD!"

Jason looked taken aback by her confusion, not knowing for sure what he had just done.

"STOP LYING TO ME!" She yelled in anger. "STOP IT!" She stabbed the knife into the wall beside his head, tears starting to run down her face. "S-STOP... S-stop acting like you cared...."

"I DID CARE! I STILL DO CARE!" Jason hadn't even flinched at the knife this time. It felt like something inside him was changing, but he didn't know what.

"NO! YOU'RE LYING!" She yelled back, squeezing her eyes shut, causing tears to fall. "YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO GET INTO MY HEAD!"

"NO I'M NOT! I'M BEING HONEST WITH YOU!" Jason's hand moved up and grabbed onto the sleeve of Phoebe's dress.

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him. Tears flowing down her face before she pulled away. "N-No... You... You can't be... No one cared... No one ever cares..." She started to mutter, pulling away from him, her eyes glazing over.

Jason looked at her confused before trying to get closer to her. "Surely there has to be someone who cares..."

"No... No one cared... They all just used me... lied to me..." She looked up at him. "Like you." she spat with venom laced in her tone. "Some even tried to kill me... heh... some even succeeded... " She gave a dry chuckle. "M-Maybe... maybe I'm better off that way... no one can hurt me if there isn't someone to hurt..." She glanced at her little pile of sharp blades.

"W-Wait!" Jason tried to get closer once more but was stopped by his chains, which seemed to have gotten shorter. He tugged on them again and again, the metal digging into his wrists.

She ignored him and grabbed one of the blades and stared at her reflection in it, her eyes blurry from tears and had a distant empty look to them.

Jason continued to tug on his chains. "Wh-what are you...?"

She closed her eyes and held the blade aiming at her chest. "Goodbye... Captain..." her voice was soft and sorrowful as she pulled the blade back then moved to thrust it into her chest.

"STELLA NO!" His eyes widened at her words and he tugged harder, cracks decorating the wall before it gave away and the chains ripped out. Without thinking Jason darted over to the girl and pushed her arm away.

She gasped in surprise, the blade swinging to the side, slashing Jason's upper arm, barely missing his own neck and spiraled to the floor.

She stared at him in shock, unable to move from surprise.

Jason fell to the ground and cried out in pain, his arm having been cut to the bone. He curled up and clutched his arm, eyes tightly shut.

She stared at him. "... W-why?"

"B-because... Y-you're still in there... S-Stella..."

Tears spilt down her face as she looked at his arm. "I... Wh-what have I done..." She slumped forward and started to shake.

"D-don't worry about it... I can... I can just respawn... r-right...?"

"I... That doesn't matter! I've hurt you so much! I... Why didn't you let me do this?! I deserve it for doing this to you!"

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now