Chapter 3

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Stampy walked beside Sqaishey tail swaying behind him as he looked around at the town bathed in the setting sun with a smile on his face, enjoying the feeling of being home.

There were a few stares and whispers as they walked but, but nobody was brave enough to go up to them and ask just where in the world Stampy had been.

Stampy noticed people glancing at them and whispering due to his heightened senses but ignored them and focused on Sqaishey who helped keep him grounded and out of his thoughts.

Sqaishey ignored them and continued to point out new buildings and blocks to Stampy. She showed him the new SMP portals, which they unfortunately couldn't go through since they're whitelisted, and even showed him some of the new adventure maps.

Stampy smiled as he looked around, intrigued by all the new items and portals. He made a mental note to check them out as soon as he could.

Sqaishey was filled with pure joy for the first time in months. Being with Stampy again made her realize how much she had missed him, and how lonely life was without him.

He kept pointing things out that he noticed where different and marveling over them when suddenly they heard footsteps quickly approach them but stop a couple of feet away.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CAT?!" A deep voice shouted at them making Stampy jump, fur on his tail fluffing up and ears lay back as he turned to see who was yelling at him.

He stared in shock at the mustached man in front of him. "H-Hit the Target?" He questioned, confused, placing a protective arm in front of Sqaishey and taking a step back, unsure of what was about to happen. "Wh-What are you doing here?!"

Target crossed his arms glaring at him, keeping his distance. "I asked you a question first!" He snapped before huffing. "But if you must know, I was coming to see her," He pointed at Sqaishey.

Stampy tensed and narrowed his eyes, glancing briefly at Sqaishey. "What? Why?" He demanded, ignoring Target's question.

Target growled, agitated. "Take a wild guess Cat!"

Stampy started to eject his claws. "Stay away from her!" He hissed, protectively.

Target scoffed. "You really haven't changed... You're still an idiot." He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at them. "She came to me! Not the other way around."

Stampy looked confused then looked to Sqaishey. "What?"

Sqaishey pushed her way so that she stood between the two of them. "I thought that he was the reason for your disappearance! A few days after you were gone I went to him to ask a few questions!"

Stampy stared at her in surprise. "Wait, you... you got him to answer questions?"

Target shifted, glancing away. "Your wife is rather... persuasive with a sword..." He commented.

Stampy looked at him thing back at her in disbelief.

Sqaishey shrugged. "What? I couldn't find the man that I was going to marry? Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures." He put her hands on her hips.

He just laughed and hugged her again. "You are incredible..." He told her with a grin.

Target gagged and looked away. "Look, if I'm not needed, I'm going home."

Stampy held Sqaishey close and looked at him. "Wait, so you were helping her look for me?"

He didn't answer making Stampy grin. "You were!"

Target groaned. "So maybe I was! So what?!"

Stampy beamed as he laughed. "Aw! You do care about me!"

Target turned to him, agitated, shoulders tense and looked, ironically, like an angry cat. "I DO NOT! YOU ARE A STUPID CAT AND I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUPID LAUGH! I JUST WANT TO BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU!" He hissed angrily, stepping forward a little but stopped seeing the look Sqaishey was sending him. "Whatever! I'm leaving!" He snapped and stormed off, leaving Stampy laughing as he left.

Sqaishey began to laugh, wrapping her arms around her stomach and nearly crying. "Listen I know he's your mortal enemy, but the guy's a riot sometimes."

Tyler had been walking home from Jason's house when he heard yelling on a nearby street. One of the voices sounded eerily familiar... could it be that-? Tyler turned the corner and froze when he saw who was standing there.

Stampy laughed and nodded. "I can agree with that!" he sighed softly, still smiling. "It's nice to know there's some things that haven't changed." He pointed out.

Sqaishey nodded in agreement. "Yup!"

Tyler shook off his shock and walked up behind them. "Stampy...?"

Stampy turned around at the sound of his name. "Yes?" He replied before spotting Tyler. "Oh! Hello!" He greeted, tail swishing behind him absentmindedly.

Tyler stared at the tail before focusing back on what was more important at that moment "Oh my gosh you're back..."

Stampy rubbed the back of his neck, ears lying down again. "Heh, heh, yeah... Sqaishey told me that I have been gone for a while..."

"How long have you bee-" Tyler paused and scratched the back of his neck. "That's um, kind of rude of me huh? We've never really met." He held out a hand. "Name's Logdotzip, but uh, you can just call me Tyler."

Stampy smiled and shook his hand. "Stampy, but you already knew that." He laughed, ears perking up again. "As for how long, Sqaishey told me a couple of months. But the weird thing is I don't remember being gone at all."

"Really? That's like the same thing that happened to Jason..." Tyler muttered, thinking to himself.

"Wait, Jason's back?" Stampy asked, surprised. He had known he had been missing for well over a year or two now...

Tyler nodded. "Yup. Sparklez found the lights on at his house this morning and decided to check it out and sure enough he was there."

"Huh... Strange... both of us showing back up at the same time can't be a coincidence." He pointed out. "He doesn't remember either?" He asked.

"Wait... back at the same time?"

Sqaishey nodded. "I guess so, I found him at home when I came home from recording."

"But how can that be? It's always at least a week between people coming back.

Stampy shrugged. "I don't know. I really wish I did though..." he answered with a sigh. "There's so many questions..."

Tyler looked at the ground. "So many questions but no answers..."

Sqaishey spoke up. "So you're telling me that both Stampy and Jason came back on the same day?"

"That's what it sounds like... is there any chance I can talk to him?" Stampy asked.

"I'm sure he'd be thrilled to! He's been stressing out about this whole situation all day." Tyler sighed.

"Can you take us over there now?" He asked, tail wrapping around his leg as he grew a bit nervous.

"It's getting a bit late but I'm sure that he's awake." Tyler took out his phone and began typing.

[Logdotzip: Yo Branson, turns out you're not the only one who came back today...]

[TrueMU: What?]

[Logdotzip: Remember Stampy? Turns out he randomly appeared today too. He wants to talk to you.]

[TrueMU: Woah really?! Get over here ASAP!]

[Logdotzip: Will do.]

Tyler put his phone away. "This way." He began walking the way he came from.

Stampy held onto Sqaishey's hand, glancing at her, before following after him.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now