Chapter 59

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Tyler quickly jumped off of Jerome's back, nearly avoiding the shower of water that hit him as Jerome shook his fur.

Jordan quickly avoided it too and let himself relax a little.

"Is everyone okay?" Sqaishey asked.

"Besides the fact that every inch of me is soaked and Biggums here smells horrible I'm fine." Mitch shrugged.

"HEY!" Jerome head whipped around to look at Mitch.

Tyler groggily went over to Jordan and looked at him. "You good?"

Jordan gave a small nod. "Yeah... I think so... not soaked so that's good."

"Not hurt or anything?"

"I don't think so."

Tyler nodded. "Is Jerry okay?"

Jerry shifted back into his other form and leapt down into Jordan's arms. Jordan held him close as the little slime looked exhausted. "I hope so. That rain was coming down pretty hard..."

"He is looking a bit more... Liquidy than usual..."

"Yeah..." He replied.

Jerry rubbed against him tiredly.

"Guess we have nothing else to do but wait." Jerome said.

"We could be here for days!" Mitch argued.

"Well we can't really do much about that." Sqaishey replied, sitting down. "Jordan can't be in the rain and Jerry could get hurt."

"Also I think you're sick of smelling wet fur." Jerome added.

Mitch pinched his nose a bit and rolled his eyes. "Fine.."

Sqaishey laughed. "I mean, it isn't the most pleasant thing."

"I'm sorry!" Jerome exclaimed. "I can't change the fact that I have fur."

"We can always shave it off...?" Mitch suggested.

"Don't you DARE say that." the other growled back.

Sqaishey was howling in laughter at this point.

Jordan couldn't even hold back a laugh as he watched them.

Tyler had a small smile on his face. "Great, now I have that image in my head. That's gonna haunt my nightmares or something."

Jordan smirked. "Yeah, that's something I don't really wanna see."

If Jerome could blush he would be bright red at everyone else staring at him. He huffed and plopped onto the ground.

Sqaishey finally managed to calm down and took deep breaths as she tried to stop her giggle fit, having wore herself out.

Mitch quickly caught on to everyone else's laughter, clutching his stomach and trying his best to not cry. He sat down on the stone floor next to Jerome, who promptly looked away.

Jordan tried to keep his contained but was struggling.

Sqaishey giggled again when Mitch started. "Stop! I can't breathe!"

Tyler yawned before he too laughed a bit, though it was much quieter.

Sqaishey yawned in the middle of her fit. "Wow... I'm more tired than I realized."

"We just woke up!" Mitch replied, wiping a tear from his eye.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "And we ran several possible miles and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I'm tired."

"Understandable." He nodded back.

Jordan leaned back. "We might as well just relax for now seeing as we can't do much else."

Jerome, finally clear of embarrassment, nudged Tyler. "And you better get some sleep."

Tyler looked a bit nervous at him, knowing that the nightmares would only return.

"Hey, don't look like that. You've got the Benj and the Bacc with ya! We'll stay awake and make sure nothing can hurt ya, okay?" Mitch had a sense of pride in his words.

Tyler relaxed a little and nodded. "You're right..."

Jordan nodded. "I'm not getting sleep anytime soon. So I'll keep an eye out too."

"Heh, Thanks." Tyler smiled and sat down.

Sqaishey took off his jacket that he gave her and passed it over. "get some rest."

Tyler nodded and took it, balling it up to use as a pillow. He slowly laid down, the stone slightly cold but it wasn't like he could change that.

It wasn't long before Sqaishey was asleep, with Tyler shortly following.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now